Ecosystem-based Adaptation in Uganda


Project Title

Reducing the Climate Change Vulnerability of Local Communities in Uganda through EbA in Forest and Wetland Ecosystems

Project Factsheet

Key Figures:

  • Budget: USD 4.35 million (cofinance USD 16.6 million)
  • Executing Entity: Ministry of Land, Natural Resources and Environmental Protection
  • Area to rehabilitate: 1,840 hectares
  • Beneficiaries: 148,000 people
  • Fund: Least Developed Countries Fund (GEF)
  • Project Sites: Kumi and Hoima/Kibaale districts
  • Timeframe: 2019-2024


In Uganda, natural ecosystems such as forests and wetlands contribute considerably to people's livelihoods and the national economy. However, rapid population growth has led to the degradation of these ecosystems due to increased demand for firewood and the conversion of land for agricultural purposes. Furthermore, the effects of climate change, including variable rainfall patterns and higher temperatures, are leading to a rise in the frequency and intensity of floods, droughts, landslides, windstorms and hailstorms.  

Consequently, there is an urgent need to build capacity to maintain and restore forest and wetland ecosystems in Uganda. The restoration of these ecosystems will also help communities tackle climate change due to the way in which healthy ecosystems can absorb and buffer the impacts of extreme weather – termed ‘ecosystem-based adaptation’. The project will demonstrate on-the-ground ecosystem-based adaptation interventions in pilot sites around forests and wetlands, while providing training to the local and national government to implement nature-based solutions and integrate them into existing forests and wetland management plans. The project will also increase the capacity of local communities to adopt alternative livelihoods and climate-smart agriculture techniques.

Media & Resources:

To explore our other EbA projects, click here.

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Last updated: 02 May 2024, 14:32