The UN Environment Assembly is open for participation of 193 States Members of the United Nations. It is also open for participation as observers to:

(i) Members of specialized agencies which are not members of the UN Environment Assembly (rule 68 of the rules of procedure of UN Environment Assembly);

(ii) Specialized agencies and related organizations, the United Nations bodies and entities, the intergovernmental organizations and regional economic integration organizations (rule 69); and

(iii) International non-governmental organizations (rule 70). 


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  • Kindly be aware of fake, unauthorized, and fraudulent messages/invitations/offers of support relating to UN conferences and meetings. Please beware of scams implying association with the United Nations.
  • Please read the Code of conduct to prevent harassment, including sexual harassment, at UN System events. Wrongdoing can be reported via this form or via the hotline at + 1 212 963 1111 (24 hours a day). For more information please visit the OIOS website.

Télécharger l'application officielle de l'UNEA

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