The Green Room at UNEA-6 served as an exclusive venue for Major Groups and Stakeholders participating in the Sixth Session of the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA-6). It provided a dedicated space for hosting side events, thematic cluster events, bilateral meetings, and daily briefings, fostering the exchange of experiences and informal dialogue opportunities.

The events were in person and hybrid format, allowing those not in Nairobi physically to join and participate in the meetings.

Key Activities:

  • Daily Briefings: The Green Room opened at 8 a.m., allowing Major Groups Representatives to prepare for UNEA-6 proceedings.
  • Cities and Regions Summit: 23 February, from 10 a.m.

Green Room Event Selection: Out of numerous submissions, only a few side events could be selected to take place in the Green Room based on regional/major group balance and, most importantly, on the relevance to UNEA-6 topics and the quality of speakers. The selection was jointly done by representatives from the Major groups Facilitating Committee Members (Mohamed Abdelraouf from Science and Technology and Arthur Kawamura from Farmers major groups)

Participation: Participation in Greenroom side events was open to representatives of Major Groups organizations accredited to UNEP, member states, and representatives of international organizations.



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