Multistakeholder dialogue: Partnering for the Environment: Inclusive Multilateralism Fit for Purpose.


Thursday, 29 February, from 4:40 to 6:00 p.m.

Languages: English only

Modality: fully in-person                                                                               

Multistakeholder Dialogue concept note PDF

Moderators: Mr. Ayman Cherkaoui and Mrs. Andrea Nakova



1. H.E. Leila Benali, President of UNEA-6, and Ms. Inger Andersen, Executive Director of UNEP, set the stage for the dialogue through brief introductory interventions in the form of a “Fireside chat”. The UNEA-6 President noted that it is time to stop lecturing and start listening, where all voices are heard and valued. She highlighted the need for “do” tanks and “think” tanks among major groups and stakeholders. She underscored the efforts to foster synergies among MEAs for enhanced collaboration and coherence between MEA governing bodies, UNEP and UNEA. The Executive Director highlighted the “must do” list recognizing the urgent actions needed to address climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution. She added that governments need step up their commitments to deliver.

2.The panel discussion that followed consisting of representatives of major groups and stakeholders highlighted the need to provide avenues for active participation, such as direct involvement in decision-making as major groups and stakeholders are not just participants but also right-holders.  

3. The role of innovative partnerships and collaboration is crucial in order to leverage the expertise of diverse stakeholders. There is a need to find new ways of collaborating and fostering innovative partnerships that transcend traditional boundaries.

4. Provision of adequate financing was echoed by many of the participants. Whether it's mobilizing resources for adaptation or investing in green technologies, financial commitments are crucial for implementing environmental solutions.

5.The participants emphasized the need for support systems to empower women. They also called for the incorporation of Indigenous Peoples’ knowledge. They underscored the fact that each major group has different strengths and can contribute differently towards environmental action.

6. Representatives of Member States stressed that governments cannot and should not bear the burden of environmental challenges alone. They gave examples of engagements with major groups and stakeholders, such as inclusion on delegations and consultation ahead of negotiations. The importance of access to important information by major groups and stakeholders was also highlighted.  

7. Other participants at the dialogue observed that personal action can have a massive impact and that everyone has the power to make sustainable choices in their daily lives, contributing to the greater environmental cause. They noted that it is not just about policies, but rather it is about prioritizing environmental action in every decision that everyone makes.  

8. The dialogue concluded by acknowledging the complexity of the current environmental challenges but with strong recommendations for a united commitment towards environmental stewardship. 



Mr. Ayman Cherkaoui

Mr. Ayman Cherkaoui - Moderator

Regional Facilitator for Major Groups and Stakeholders in Africa

Mr. Ayman Cherkaoui is the Coordinator for the Mohammed VI Prize for the Climate and Sustainable Development as well as Strategic Development Officer at the Mohammed VI Foundation for Environmental Protection. Ayman is Regional Facilitator of Major Groups and Stakeholders, Africa, elected by African organisations accredited to UNEP. Ayman is also Lead Counsel for Climate Change at the Center for International Sustainable Development Law, Judge for the SDG Action Awards, Obama Foundation: Africa Leader, Ambassador for the Adaptation without Borders Initiative, and Atlantic Dialogues Emerging Leader. Ayman has academic background in Climate Change, Sustainable Development, Finance, Law and Engineering.

Mrs. Andrea Nakova

Mrs. Andrea Nakova - Moderator

Journalists for Human Rights

Andrea Nakova is a passionate environmental advocate and multilingual translator. Driven by a deep commitment to environmental conservation, Andrea has dedicated herself to promoting sustainable development initiatives. Her experience as a project coordinator at the NGO Journalists for Human Rights provided her with a platform to champion causes close to her heart, including gender equality, children's rights, and youth participation in environmental issues. In addition to her grassroots efforts, Andrea has also participated in high-level international conferences such as COP 26, 27, and 28, where she has contributed to discussions on climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies

Mr. Yunus Arikan

Mr. Yunus Arikan

Local Authorities, ICLEI (Local governments for Sustainability)

Born in Ankara, Turkey in 1972. Graduated from TED Ankara College in 1990 and Middle East Technical University in 1994. As an environmental engineer, he has been primarily been involved in waste management and cleaner production. Between 2002-2008, he took an active role in promotion of progressive climate change policies in Turkey and Central and Eastern Europe, specifically in Turkey´s involvement in the international climate process and access to the Kyoto Protocol in 2009. In 2009, he started his career at ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability at the World Secretariat in Bonn, Germany, with a specific focus on climate change through the tasks such as; coordination of ICLEI´s Low Carbon City Agenda, establishing the Bonn Center for Local Climate action and Reporting – carbonn, managing the secretariat of the World Mayors Council on Climate Change and acting as the focal point for Local Governments and Municipal Authorities (LGMA) Constituency to the UNFCCC. Since 2013, he is the Head of Global Policy and Advocacy, in leading ICLEI´s work at the United Nations, with intergovernmental agencies and at Multilateral Environmental Agreements. He is married and has two daughters.

Mr. Christopher Chin

Mr. Christopher Chin

NGO Major Group Co-Facilitator, The Center for Oceanic Awareness, Research, and Education (COARE)

Christopher Chin is a SCUBA Master Instructor and technical diver whose passion for the ocean stems back to childhood. He is an accomplished underwater videographer and writer whose footage and work have been featured on the Discovery Channel and Shark Week. In 2006, Christopher co-founded The Center for Oceanic Awareness, Research, and Education (COARE), and and he continues to serve as its Executive Director. Christopher is an internationally recognized expert in ocean policy and conservation issues, and has authored, supported, and defended a multitude of laws affecting ocean health and resources. He is considered one of North America's foremost experts in shark fin policy, and is a global leader in the fight against plastic pollution. Christopher is an avid advocate for Environmental Justice and co-authored the report "Neglected: Environmental Justice Impacts of Marine Litter and Plastic Pollution", published by UNEP in 2021.

Ms. Mrinalini Rai

Ms. Mrinalini Rai

Indigenous Peoples Major Group, Women4Biodiversity

A women’s rights and environmental rights advocate and Director of Women4Biodiversity , Mrinalini works on policy advocacy and research on intersection of gender equality and women and girls rights and environmental justice. She has been working many years in environmental governance and human rights issues particularly focused on integrating indigenous peoples’ and local communities’ rights, including women’s rights into the decisions of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). She is also the coordinator of the Women Caucus - UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) which supports women's civil society active engagement through active participation, information sharing and inputs into the policy space on biodiversity and environment related processes at the CBD.

Dominic Waughray

Mr. Dominic Waughray

Co-Facilitator Business and Industry Major Group, World Business Council for Sustainable Development

Until 2021, Dominic championed the environmental sustainability agenda at the World Economic Forum (WEF) from his arrival in late 2005 as the inaugural Director of Environmental Initiatives. In January 2019 he became a Managing Director and Member of the Managing Board. During his tenure at the WEF, Dominic worked with many business leaders across all sectors, as well as representatives from governments, and international and civil society organizations at the highest level, cementing the role of business and public-private cooperation as a key component in shaping the global environmental agenda.

Ms. Sherika Whitelocke-Ballingsingh

Ms. Sherika Whitelocke-Ballingsingh

Alternate facilitator Women MG, The Carribean Poison Information Network

Sherika Whitelock-Ballingsingh, is the alternate facilitator of the Women’s Major Group. Skilled in Epidemiology, Sherika holds a Masters of Public Health  from Chevening Scholarships and has  over five years of experience working on global health issues, specifically chemicals and waste. She has been volunteering with the International Pollutant Elimination Network and UN bodies in working on resolutions on Chemical and Waste Management, Women and Gender, and Science Policy interface. She currently leads the discussion on lead exposure and lead poisoning in Jamaica for a decade now.

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