• Overview
  • Working documents
  • Reference documents

Date: 11-12 September 2024

Location: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Venue: Prodigy Santos Dumont Hotel

Time: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm local time

Format: In-person

BackgroundThe inextricable links between climate change, desertification and loss of biodiversity call for a coordinated approach both at international and national levels to tackle these issues in a holistic way.

The three Rio Conventions will hold their Conferences of the Parties (UNCCD COP 16, UNFCCC COP 29, and CBD COP 16) this year. All three are extremely important to all countries of the LAC region, which is among the most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change and which hosts the biggest biological diversity in the world, in addition to facing increasing impacts from drought and desertification. These facts make it very important for countries of the region to effectively participate and contribute to the advancement of the work under all three agreements.

Within this context, the Special Session of the Forum is convened to enhance the exchange of ideas on climate action, biodiversity, and land degradation and restoration in the region with a view to these future Conferences of the Parties.

This Special Session is organized thanks to resources allocated from the Environment Fund (https://www.unep.org/about-un-environment-programme/funding-and-partnerships/environment-fund) and financial support from the Secretariat of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) through the contribution from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as Presidency of UNCCD COP16.

For more information, please contact the Forum´s Secretariat at unep-rolac-forumofministers@un.org.


Provisional Agenda [Español] [English]

Provisional Annotated Agenda [Español] [English]

Background note for Session 4 - Climate Change [Español] [English]

Background note for Session 6 - Biodiversity [Español] [English]

Background note for Session 9 - Desertification [Español] [English]

Background note for Session 10 - Final discussion [Español] [English]

Inputs from Civil Society of LAC [Español] [English]

Report of the Meeting of the Bureau of the Forum, 9 July 2024 [Español] [English]

Ministerial Declaration of the XXIII Meeting of the Forum, 26 October 2023 [Español] [English]

Decisions of the XXIII Meeting of the Forum, 26 October 2023  [Español] [English]

Summary for policy makers on "Country Platforms" [English only]

Policy Note on "Country Platforms" [English only]

UNEA Rules of Procedure [Español] [English]


Informative documents

Informative logistics note [Español] [English]

General information about the meeting (goals, venue, participants) [English]