• Overview
  • Documents
  • Unedited Meeting Videos

Date: February 9 – 11, 2021, online

Organized by: Major Groups and Stakeholders (MGS)Accredited to UNEP, under the lead of the Major Groups Facilitating Committee (MGFC)

What: Consultations of Major Groups and Stakeholders (MGS) prior to the Open-Ended Meeting of the Committee of Permanent Representatives to UNEP (OECPR, February 15-16, 2021, might be extended) and the first session of UNEA 5 (February 22-23, 2021), covering the following themes:

  1. UNEP Mid-Term Strategy
  2. UNEP Program of Work
  3. UNEP @ 50
  4. Stockholm + 50
  5. Main messages from MGS to UNEA

View highlights of main proceedings by ENB here

Facilitation: The various consultations are self-organized by Major Groups, with the following persons in lead:

  • Opening of GMGSF


Briefing on the online and resumed 5thSession of the UN Environment Assembly and its preparatory meetings - Ulf Bjornholm

  • Consultation 1:

Ajay K Jha (k.ajay.j@gmail.com, Centre for Community Economics and Development Consultants Society, Farmers Major Group),

Doug Weir(doug@ceobs.org, The Conflict and Environment Observatory, NGO Major Group), Wali Haider (walikhi@yahoo.com, Society for Roots for Equity, Farmers Major Group)


Towards Strong Actions to Phase Out Highly Hazardous Pesticides - Sarojeni Rengam

Proposed closure of the Disasters and Conflicts Subprogramme in the 2022-2025 MTS - Doug Weir

Reflecting on the MTS in the light of grassroots realities - Lia Alonzo

  • Consultation 2:

Mohamed Abdelraouf (mhdraouf@yahoo.com, Gulf Research Center, Scientific and Technological Community Major Group),

Griffins Ochieng (ogriffins@gmail.com, Centre for Environment, Justice and Development, NGO Major Group)


UNEP Programme of Work 2022-23 - Frederik Staun

  • Consultation 3:

Stephen Stec (stephenstec@gmail.com, Central European University, Scientific and Technological Community Major Group),

Yugratna Srivastava (yugratna.srivastava@unmgcy.org, SustainUS, Children and Youth Major Group)


Scope and Elements of an MGS Report on UNEP@50, “The UNEP We Want” - Stephen Stec, Yugratna Srivastava

Making Peace With Nature: A scientific blueprint to tackle the climate, biodiversity and pollution emergencies - THE ‘SYNTHESIS REPORT’ - Edoardo Zandri

  • Consultation 4:

Jan-Gustav Strandenaes (jgstrandeaes@gmail.com, Stakeholder Forum for Sustainable Development, NGO Major Group),

Teresa Oberhauser (teresa.oberhauser@unmgcy.org, AEGEE European Students’ Forum, Children and Youth Major Group)


“From Stockholm 1972 to a vision for the future” - Jan-Gustav Strandenaes

Agenda Item5: Preparations for the commemoration of the 50thanniversary of the creation of UNEP

Civil society Survey on Stakeholder engagement towards UNEP@50

  • Consultation 5:

Khawla al Muhannadi (1.efs.bahrain.1@gmail.com, Environment Friends Society, NGO Major Group),

Aisha Karanja (aisha@back-tobasics.org, Back to Basics, NGO Major Group),

Patrizia Heidegger (Patrizia.heidegger@eeb.org, European Environmental Bureau, NGO Major Group)

Facilitators are in charge for all aspects of the consultation led by them.


Messages of MGs to UNEA5 - GMGSF - Khawla Al-Muhannadi, Aisha Karanja, and Patrizia Heidegger

Participation: The GMGSF is open to the participation of all Major Groups interested in UNEP, the environment and sustainable development (accredited and non-accredited). Member States are invited to participate as observers.

Agenda: A draft agenda of the GMGSF is available here