• Overview
  • Programme

Celebrating the World Environment Day on 5 June 2022, Mindfulness for Earth Virtual Research Symposium will highlight the importance of understanding the role of mindfulness in addressing connections between the mind's habituations or the 'inner climate' and the 'outer climate' in protecting our Mother Earth from its multiple devastations. The first such event brings together renowned meditation masters, scientists, academics and climate activists for a rich and inspiring dialogue.  The Virtual Research Symposium (VRS), will present cutting-edge scientific research combining the methods of mindfulness and sustainability for addressing the triple planetary crisis

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M4E Virtual Research Symposium Celebrating World Environment Day 5th of June 2022: 3.00 pm – 9.00 pm IST | Register

Introduction & Guided Meditation

  • Dr. Tara de Mel & Dr. Kumanga Andrahennadi, Co-Founders of M4E
  • Ven. U. Dhammajiva Thero Chief Abbot, Nissarana Vanaya Monastery, Sri Lanka

Presentation 1: Contribution of VRS towards Stockholm +50

  • Dr. Iyad Abumoghli, Founder of UNEP Faith for Earth

Presentation 2: ‘Thought Proliferation & Mindfulness in Protecting the Environment’

  • Bhante Chandaratna, Deputy Abbot, Nissarana Vanaya Monastery

Presentation 3: ‘Assessing Seed Germination within a Meditation Monastery’

  • Dr. Iroja Caldera, Senior Lecturer, Department of Plant Sciences, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka

Tea/Coffee Break Introduction to Presentations

  • Dr. Kumanga Andrahennadi, Co-Founder M4E &
  • Prof. Saroj Jayasinghe, M4E Scientific Committee Member

Brief talk: Ven. Ringu Tulku Rinpoche, Founder of Bodhicharya International, Brussels

Keynote Address: ‘Cultivating Mindfulness, Compassion, and Wisdom: Evolutionary Imperatives for Humanity and Planet Earth’

  • Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn, Professor of Medicine Emeritus at the University of Massachusetts Medical School, and Founder of Center for Mindfulness in Medicine, Health Care, and Society

Presentation 4: ‘Reconnection: Meeting the Climate Crisis Inside-Out’

  • Mr. Jamie Bristow & Ruth Ormston, Co-Directors of Mindfulness Initiative, U.K.

Introduction to Presentations: Dr. Tara de Mel, Co-Founder M4E

Presentation 5: ‘The Inner Green Deal’

  • Liane Stephan, Managing Director, Awaris GmbH, Germany

Presentation 6: ‘The AMBP Eco-Contemplative Framework: Addressing the Connection between the Climate Crisis and Mental Health Crisis’

  • Dr. Kumanga Andrahennadi, Founder of CALM, U.K. and Co-Founder of M4E

Summary of Event: Dr. Tara de Mel, Co-Founder M4E Vote of Thanks and Way Forward: Dr. Kumanga Andrahennadi, Co-Founder M4E