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When: 30 March 2025

The International Day of Zero Waste, facilitated jointly by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and UN Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat), highlights the importance of bolstering waste management globally and the need to promote sustainable consumption and production patterns to address the waste pollution crisis.  

Every year, humanity generates between 2.1 billion and 2.3 billion tonnes of municipal solid waste. Without urgent action, the annual waste generation will hit 3.8 billion tonnes by 2050.  

Waste pollution threatens human health, costs the global economy hundreds of billions of dollars every year, and aggravates the triple planetary crisis: the crisis of climate change, the crisis of nature, land and biodiversity loss, and the crisis of pollution and waste

This year’s theme, Towards zero waste in fashion and textiles, focuses on the urgent need to take action to reduce the waste impact from the fashion and textile sector and promote sustainability and circularity. 

Between 2000 and 2015, clothing production had doubled. Yet, it is estimated that 92 million tonnes of textile waste is generated worldwide each year. This is equivalent to a truckload of clothing being incinerated or sent to landfills every second. It is driven by the rapid rise in production and consumption within the textile sector, causing severe environmental, economic, and social issues, especially in the Global South.  

Upstream solutions and a zero-waste approach are essential for tackling the waste pollution crisis while generating economic value. Achieving zero waste requires active contributions from governments, industry, and consumers.  

Governments, businesses, and individuals must embrace zero waste to overcome the waste pollution crisis. UNEP and UN-Habitat call on stakeholders – including governments, civil society, businesses, academia, communities, women and youth – to participate in national, subnational, regional and local zero-waste initiatives. 

To register your International Day of Zero Waste event, please visit the Events tab. 

25 Mar 2025

Time & Place
Event Details
Palais des Nations, Room XXIII, Geneva, Switzerland
Geneva Event: International Day of Zero Waste Celebration | Towards Zero Waste in Fashion and Textiles International Day of Zero Waste, celebrated on 30 March since 2023, highlights the importance of bolstering waste management globally and the need to promote sustainable consumption and production patterns to address the waste pollution crisis. The 2025 edition will be observed under the theme “Towards zero waste in fashion and textiles”, as this sector embodies the zero-waste agenda – from the importance of bolstering waste management globally to the need for reducing waste generation, and promoting sustainable consumption and production patterns.
H.E. Emine ERDOĞAN First Lady of the Republic of Türkiye | Chairperson of the Advisory Board of Eminent Persons on Zero Waste (video message)
H.E. Amb. Burak AKÇAPAR Permanent Representative of Türkiye to the UN Office at Geneva and other international organizations in Switzerland
Steven STONE Deputy Director, Industry and Economy Division, UNEP
Graham ALABASTER Chief, Geneva Office at UN-Habitat | Moderator

27 Mar 2025

Time & Place
Event Details
UN General Assembly Hall, NY, USA
NY Event More details are coming soon!

26 Mar 2025

Time & Place
Event Details
Palo Alto, Barcelona, Spain
Barcelona: Zero Waste Festival The Zero Waste Festival moves the transition towards a zero waste society as a response to the global eco-social crisis. It is a space to generate and share knowledge and foster social and economic progress, encouraging co-responsibility among public and private sectors and civil society. The aim is to promote the common good by standardising production and consumption models to ensure lower toxicity, reduce resource use, and encourage reuse and product lifecycle extension.

The festival offers innovative solutions and supports transformative agents in building a fairer, healthier, and waste- and toxin-free society.

27 Mar 2025

Time & Place
Event Details
Palo Alto, Barcelona, Spain
Barcelona: Zero Waste Festival .

Zero Waste Day 2025 Trello board

Learn more about UNEP's work on… 

UNEP programmes 

  • One Planet network 
  • International Environmental Technology Centre 

UN-Habitat programmes 

  • Waste Wise Cities 
  • Data portal 
  • African Clean Cities Platform

UNEP and its partners, including the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat), regularly update the science on waste pollution and research new solutions.  

Browse the latest reports linked below to find out everything you need to know to #BeatWastePollution. 


UNEP Flagship Events  

  • New York (27 March / UN General Assembly Hall)
  • Nairobi (tbc / UN Office at Nairobi)
  • Paris (28&29 March / EDHEC Business School, Paris Campus)
  • Geneva (25 March/ Palais des Nations, Room XXIII)
  • China (30&31 March, Zhejiang and Jiangxi Provinces & Online)
  • Barcelona (26&27 March, Palo Alto)
  • Webinar (2 April, Online) 

Visit here for more updates!

Get involved! Register your Zero Waste Day event from >>here<<

Run your own physical and virtual events in the days surrounding Zero Waste Day to complement the theme. From March 1st to April 5th, you can organize your own event and have it to be featured on Zero Waste Day's global map. This could include everything from seminars and webinars discussing global waste issues, to repair workshops and cafés, clothing swaps, sustainable fashion showcases and exhibitions, clean ups and more. You can also visit the map to see other events you could attend yourself too!