• Overview

When: Wednesday, 22nd March 2023 | 5 pm - 6:15 pm EDT

Where: Side Event Room 8 - UN Headquarters, New York City

The event will be live cast on UN TV at 5 pm (Wednesday 22nd March) 

This is an in-person side event at the UN Headquarters during the UN 2023 Water Conference.

This event will highlight the protection, conservation, restoration and sustainable use of lakes, wetlands and other inland freshwater ecosystems, in an integrated management of the entire basin or watershed, while addressing aspects of water pollution, degraded land, poverty, and others. It will further highlight the diverse values stemming from those efforts into ecosystem services and benefits for food, health, energy, biodiversity, climate change mitigation and adaptation, disaster risk reduction, livelihoods, and other economic and social co-benefits.  


  • Dr Joakim Harlin - Head of Freshwater Ecosystems Unit, UNEP 
  • Professor, Dr Siti Nurbaya Bakar - Minister of Environment and Forestry, Indonesia 
  • Inger Andersen - Executive Director, UNEP 
  • Inge Retnowati - Director of Inland Waters and Mangrove Rehabilitation (Ministry of Environment and Forestry), Indonesia 
  • Astrid Schomaker - Director for Green Diplomacy and Multilateralism, EU 
  • Dr Musonda Mumba - Secretary General, Ramsar Convention on Wetlands 
  • Lis Mullin Bernhardt - Deputy Head of Freshwater Ecosystems Unit, UNEP 
  • Dr Jo Puri - Associate Vice President for Strategy and Knowledge, International Fund for Agricultural Development 
  • Professor, Dr Bryan M Spears - Freshwater ecologist, UK Centre for Ec-hydrology and World Water Quality Alliance 
  • Dr Masahisa Nakamura, Vice-President, International Lake Environment Committee Foundation 
  • Dr Abou Amani, Director for Division of Water Sciences and Secretary of Intergovernmental Hydrological Programme (IPH), UNESCO 
  • Nadya Hutagalung - Australian-Indonesian influencer
  • Dr Susan Gardner, Director of Ecosystems Division, UNEP
  • Sigit Reliantoro - Director General of Environmental Pollution and Degradation Control (Ministry of Environment and Forestry), Indonesia