• Overview

Where: UNEP Cartagena Convention Secretariat office, on the 3rd Floor of the Jamaica Conference Centre, 14-20 Port Royal Street, Kingston, Jamaica

5 JUNE – 23 JUNE

Jamaican students will join the world in commemorating World Environment Day 2023 on the 5th of June by participating in a “Beat Plastic Pollution JA” competition. This is a joint United Nations initiative aimed at highlighting the urgent need for action to reduce plastic pollution, which is a major challenge in the Caribbean: Jamaican students will show the urgent need to work across the plastic lifecycle and articulate different strategies to reduce or reuse plastic by showcasing short videos of school activities addressing plastic pollution or pitch a “Beat Plastic Pollution JA” project that they would like to see implemented. In the same day UNEP and its partners will host the introduction to the Youth Solutions to Plastic Pollution Competition, followed by a youth-led roundtable discussion on the opportunities, challenges and strategies in supporting young people in getting involved in addressing plastic pollution.