• Overview
  • Agenda

When: Friday, 28 October 2022, 16:00 - 18:45 Almaty time (GMT+6), 12:00 - 14:45 CET

Registration link: https://forms.gle/hyzmLt7UUfBaFTWH8

Ссылка на регистрацию: https://forms.gle/Lp6THJuwcqwJ7f4g7

Читать всю информацию на русском языке.

The Kickoff Webinar on ‘Greening the Universities on Campus’ is part of the focus areas of the Global Opportunities for Sustainable Development Initiative (GO4SDGs), which is to empower youth to embrace sustainable lifestyles to accelerate the progress to meet the 2030 Agenda. GO4SDGs works primarily on SDG 12 (sustainable Consumption and Production) and SDG 8 (Decent Work & Green Economies). The webinar is designed to promote policy innovation, as well as lifestyles and youth engagement as demand drivers for sustainable consumption and production.

United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is accelerating action towards more sustainable consumption and production patterns, which is the root cause of the current triple planetary crisis of climate instability, biodiversity loss and pollution. Sustainable living means understanding how our lifestyle choices impact the world around us and finding ways for everyone to live better and lighter. GO4SDGs works with universities to address and promote sustainable lifestyles to adjust to living within 1,5 degrees. GO4SDGs works with the Kazakh-German University on pilots for Greening the Campus in the Central Asia sub-region in 2022-2023. The current project facilitates a comprehensive discussion and framework in Europe and Central Asia. It follows one of the key recommendations of the Stockholm +50 international meeting called for recognizing the critical role of young people in environmental action and highlighting that further progress should be introduced to fostering meaningful youth engagement in all sectors of the economy.


The main objective of the Kickoff Webinar is to present the regional project “Promoting Sustainable Lifestyles with and through Universities”, targeting to encourage practicing sustainability in universities Europe region-wide and, specifically, through the pilot activities in the Central Asian sub-region. The Webinar will help build capacity and raise awareness of universities and students on sustainable lifestyles’ related topics and on Little Book of Green Nudges.

Anticipated presentations and discussions will address the following key questions:

  • Why are sustainable lifestyles important to address the triple planetary crises?
  • What is the role of universities in pursuing sustainable lifestyles?
  • What are UNEP’s sustainable lifestyles and education initiatives to support greening the Universities?

For whom?

Central Asia, Eastern Europe. and Caucuses universities, as well as upper/graduate class students, and civil society representatives, are invited to participate in the Kickoff Webinar on Greening the Universities on Campus.



AGENDA (in Almaty time/GMT+6)  Читать всю информацию на русском языке.  

Moderator: Madina Ibrasheva, Regional Coordinator GO4SDGs for Europe and Central Asia, UNEP  

16:00: Welcoming remarks

  • Ms. Aidai Kurmanova, Head of the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) Sub-regional Office Central Asia  
  • Ms. Adriana Zacarias Farah, Head and Global Coordinator GO4SDGs, UNEP, deputy head 10YFP Secretariat  
  • Dr. Wolrad Rommel, President, Kazakh-German University  

16:15: Presentation of agenda and objectives of the meeting (Moderator)  

16:20: Ms. Laura Astudillo Mesías, Expert on Sustainable Lifestyles, UNEP

  • Introduction to sustainable lifestyles
  • UNEP initiatives on sustainable lifestyles
  • UNEP approaches and tools for universities  

16:50: Ms. Noémie Métais, Youth, Education and Program Officer, UNEP, Ecosystem Division

  • Little Book of Green Nudges
  • Youth Education Alliance   

17:10: Dr. Debra Rowe, President, U.S. Partnership for Education for Sustainable Development, USA

  • High Education Sustainability Index  

17:25: Questions and answers  

17:45Ms. Barbara Janusz-Pawletta, Vice President for International Cooperation & Sustainable Development, Kazakh-German University

  • Presentation of project “Promoting Sustainable Lifestyles with and through Universities”  

18:00: Questions and answers  

18:30: Summary: conclusions and next steps for cooperation  

18:45: End of Webinar

