The Global Environmental Outlook (GEO) is UNEP’s flagship intergovernmental and expert-led environmental assessment. The upcoming seventh edition of the Global Environment Outlook (GEO-7) focuses on action for a healthy planet. GEO-7 will continue to assess the state and trends in the global environment, the solutions pathways to an environmentally sustainable world, and provide an outlook that provides useful guidance on the possible environmental and socio-economic implications of the needed transformational changes.
The proposed solutions pathways in GEO-7 will show how the transformation of the interdependent global energy, food and materials/waste systems and their supporting economic and financing models and environmental systems can help solve the triple planetary crisis of climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution, and land degradation.
As requested by Member States in resolution 5/3 of the UN Environment Assembly, UNEP initiated the preparation of the GEO-7 assessment and its accompanying Summary for Policymakers, to be launched at UNEA-7 in December 2025. The intergovernmental and expert peer review process of the GEO-7 Second-Order Draft (SOD) and Summary for Policymakers (SPM) First-Order Draft (FOD) has started on 1 November 2024 and will last till 15 January 2025.
Further details will be communicated via email to nominated experts from the mailboxes or