• Overview
  • Registration

Date: August 21, 2024 || 10:00 – 11:30 (Almaty time)

Register here: https://forms.gle/jw8ZxGSQWMdSpWVm7    

In an era of growing interest in ecotourism and sustainable development, voluntary environmental and sustainability certification is becoming an important tool to promote a green economy. Becoming certified to sustainability standards and eligible to use the ecolabel can give accommodation providers (e.g. hotels) a significant advantage in the marketplace.

Certification confirms the hotel’s commitment to environmental, social and corporate responsibility (ESG) principles, increases the trust of partners, customers and investors, and contributes to improving internal processes and reducing risks. Moreover, having the certificate opens access to participation in government and corporate green procurement. According to Booking.com's 2022 survey, 81% of travelers consider ecotourism an important aspect when choosing a vacation destination, and 70% prefer to stay in environmentally certified hotels. 

In response to this request and based on the results of the survey conducted in the region in the previous phase of the project, a draft harmonized eco-certification standard for Central Asia was developed based on the criteria of the GSTC Sustainable Tourism Council, as well as international eco-labeling programs such as European Flower and Leaf of Life. The aim of the new standard is not only to confirm the sustainability of hotels in Central Asia, but also to provide a detailed benchmark for the implementation of sustainability measures.

During the working group meeting, representatives of the accommodation providers industry and other stakeholders will be familiarized with the draft harmonized standard. Participants will also receive a checklist for self-diagnosis of their facilities, which will allow them to assess their compliance with the requirements of a new standard. All hotels that have completed the checklist will be admitted to the assessment under the standard through the issue of participation certificate. Some of the hotels will undergo an offline audit under the mentorship of professional consultants and will be advised on improvement vis-a-vis the provided recommendations.

This workshop is organized within the framework of the Global Opportunities for Sustainable Development Goals in Europe and Central Asia (GO4SDGs) Programme implemented by UNEP in partnership with the Public Association "ESG Central Asia". The project aims to introduce a harmonized eco/sustainable certification standard in Central Asia, as well as to support global initiatives to combat climate change and reduce plastic pollution in tourism. The project is implemented in partnership with Central Asian governmental bodies and institutions including "International Academy of Ecology" (Republic of Kazakhstan), PA "Peshsaf" (Republic of Tajikistan) and State Center for Ecological Certification and Standardization "Davekosertifikat" LLC (Republic of Uzbekistan).

Participants: government officials, representatives of the hospitality sector (Horeca), national and international consultants and experts in the field of sustainable tourism

