Climate adaptation project list

UNEP has assisted almost 90 projects on climate change adaptation in over 50 countries. Combined, the projects are aiming to benefit around 3.5 million people, restore 241,000 hectares of land, improve climate adaptation knowledge of 324,000 people and 131 institutions, and build over 8,000 water harvesting structures and 82 weather stations.

Disclaimer: The inclusion of non-UN events on this map does not imply full endorsement or participation by UNEP, UN-Habitat or other UN agencies.


Adaptation at Altitude - Taking Action in the Mountains

Climate Change and Security (Nepal & Sudan) - New approaches to address climate fragility risks

EbA South (Nepal, Mauritania, Seychelles) - Enhancing capacity, knowledge and technology support to build climate resilience of vulnerable developing countries

Mediterranean EbA (Albania, Algeria, Libya, Morocco, Montenegro, Tunisia) - Enhancing Regional Climate Change Adaptation in the Mediterranean Marine and Coastal Areas

Microfinance for Ecosystem-based Adaptation (San Salvador, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Peru, Senegal, Benin) - Building resilience for rural producers through innovative financial mechanisms

NDC Action (Argentina, Bangladesh, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ghana, Jordan, Mongolia, Morocco, Uganda, Viet Nam) - Facilitating Implementation of Climate-resilient and Low-carbon Development

UNI-LEAD (LDCs) - Strengthening endogenous capacities of Least Developed Countries to Access Finance for Climate Change Adaptation

Vanishing Treasures (Bhutan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Rwanda, Uganda) – Climate resilient mountain ecosystems for resilient livelihoods and key flagship mountain species


Angola - Addressing urgent coastal adaptation needs and capacity gaps in Angola

Benin - Enhanced climate resilience of rural communities in central and north Benin through the implementation of ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA) in forest and agricultural landscapes

Comoros - Building climate resilience through rehabilitated watersheds, forests and adaptive livelihoods

Comoros - Adapting water resource management in the Comoros to expected climate change 

Djibouti - Planning and Implementing Ecosystem based Adaptation in Djibouti’s Dikhil and Tadjourah region

Djibouti – Implementing NAPA priority interventions to build resilience in the most vulnerable coastal zones in Djibouti

Djibouti - Implementing adaptation technologies in fragile ecosystems of Djibouti’s central plains 

Eswatini - Adaptation Planning support for Eswatini through UNEP / GCF Readiness Support

Gambia - Enabling the National Adaptation Plan Formulation and Implementation process and other adaptation planning processes in The Gambia 

Gambia - Strengthening climate services and early warning systems in the Gambia for climate-resilient development and adaptation to climate change

Gambia - Large-scale ecosystem-based adaptation in the Gambia: Developing a climate-resilient, natural resource-based economy

Ghana - Enhancing multi-sector planning and capacity for effective adaptation in Ghana

Lake Victoria (Kenya, Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania, Uganda) - Adapting to Climate Change in Lake Victoria Basin

Lesotho - Improvement of Early Warning System to Reduce Impacts of Climate Change and Capacity Building to Integrate Climate Change into Development Plans

Lesotho - Strengthening climate services in Lesotho for climate resilient development and adaptation to climate change

Madagascar - Adapting Coastal Zone Management to Climate Change in Madagascar, Considering Ecosystem and Livelihoods

Madagascar - Promoting climate resilience in the rice sector through pilot investments in Alaotra-Mangoro, Madagascar

Malawi - Advancing the NAP process: climate resilience for sustainable development in Malawi

Mauritania - Building capacity to advance National Adaptation Plan Process in Mauritania

Mauritania - Development of an improved and innovative delivery system for climate resilient livelihoods in Mauritania

Mauritania - Climate change adaptation and livelihoods in three arid regions of Mauritania

Mozambique - Building Resilience in the Coastal Zone through Ecosystem Based Approaches to Adaptation (EbA) in the Greater Maputo Area

Nigeria - Strengthening Nigeria’s capacity to advance the National Adaptation Planning process

Rwanda - Building resilience of communities living in degraded forests, savannahs and wetlands of Rwanda

Rwanda - Reducing Vulnerability to Climate Change by Establishing Early Warning and Disaster Preparedness Systems and Support for Integrated Watershed Management in Flood Prone Areas

Rwanda - Building the Capacity of Rwanda’s government to advance the National Adaptation Planning Process

Sao Tome and Principe - Reduce Sao Tome and Principe’s vulnerability to climate change impacts by strengthening the Country’s capacity to implement an integrated approach to adaptation planning

South Sudan - Strengthening the capacity of government and communities in South Sudan to adapt to climate change

Sudan - Enhancing the resilience of communities living in climate change vulnerable areas of Sudan using EbA approaches

Tanzania - Building Climate Resilience in the Landscapes of the Kigoma Region of Tanzania

Tanzania – Implementation of concrete adaptation measures to reduce vulnerability of livelihoods and economy of coastal communities of Tanzania

Tanzania - Developing core capacity to address adaptation to climate change in productive coastal zones

Tanzania - Ecosystem-based Adaptation for Rural Resilience in Tanzania

Uganda - Strengthening Adaptation Planning in Uganda

Uganda – Reducing the Climate Change Vulnerability of Local Communities in Uganda through EbA in Forest and Wetland Ecosystems

Zambia - Building the Resilience of Local Communities in Zambia through the Introduction of Ecosystem-based Adaptation into Priority Ecosystems, including Wetlands and Forests

Zimbabwe - Building capacity to advance National Adaptation Plan Process in Zimbabwe

Asia Pacific

Afghanistan - Opportunities for Mountain Area Integrated Development

Afghanistan - Building Resilience of Communities Living Around the Northern Pistachio Belt (NPB) and Eastern Forest Complex (EFC) of Afghanistan through an EbA Approach

Bahrain - Developing of an Enabling Environment for Water Demand Management

Bangladesh – Ecosystem-based Approaches to Adaptation (EbA) in the Drought-prone Barind Tract and Haor "Wetland" Area

Cambodia - Enhancing climate change resilience of rural communities living in protected areas of Cambodia

Cambodia – Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation Programme for Climate Change in the Coastal Zone of Cambodia Considering Livelihood Improvement and Ecosystems

Central Asian Mountains (Kazakhstan, Kyrgysztan, Tajikistan) - Enhancing the conservation of flagship migratory mammal species of Central Asia through climate-informed management and decision making

Iraq - Building Capacity to Advance National Adaptation Plan Process in Iraq

Lao PDR - Advancing Lao PDR’s National Adaptation Plan through Climate Change Vulnerability Assessments for Disaster Risk Management in human settlements

Lao PDR - Building resilience of urban populations with ecosystem-based solutions in Lao PDR

Maldives – Advancing the National Adaptation Plan of the Maldives

Mekong EbA (Thailand, Vietnam) - Enhancing Climate Resilience in the Greater Mekong Sub-region through Ecosystem-based Adaptation in the Context of South-South Cooperation

Mongolia - Building capacity to advance National Adaptation Plan Process in Mongolia

Myanmar - Adapting Community Forestry Landscapes and Associated Community Livelihoods to a Changing Climate, in Particular an Increase in the Frequency and Intensity of Extreme Weather Events

Myanmar - Enhance the Capacity of Myanmar to Advance the Process of Formulation and Implementation of National Adaptation Plan

Nepal - Catalysing Ecosystem Restoration for Climate Resilient Natural Capital and Rural Livelihoods in Degraded Forests and Rangelands of Nepal

Nepal - Ecosystem-Based Adaptation for Climate-resilient Development in the Kathmandu Valley

Nepal - Building Capacity to Advance National Adaptation Plan Process in Nepal

Pacific SIDS(Cook Islands, Niue, Palau, Marshall Islands, Tuvalu) – Enhancing Climate Information and Knowledge Services for resilience in 5 island countries of the Pacific Ocean

Pakistan - Building capacity to advance National Adaptation Plan Process in Pakistan

Timor-Leste - Adapting to climate change and enabling sustainable land management through productive rural communities in Timor-Leste

Timor-Leste – Enhancing Early Warning Systems to build greater resilience to hydro-meteorological hazards in Timor-Leste

Tuvalu - Ecosystem based adaptation for improved livelihood in Tuvalu

Urban Ecosystem-based Adaptation in Asia Pacific (Bhutan, Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar) - Building climate resilience of urban systems through Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) in the Asia-Pacific region.

Latin America & the Caribbean

Antigua & Barbuda - Building climate resilience through innovative financing mechanisms for climate change adaptation

CityAdapt (Jamaica, El Salvador, Mexico) - Building climate resilience of urban systems through Ecosystem-based Adaptation in Latin America and the Caribbean

Costa Rica – Building sub-national capacities for the implementation of the National Adaptation Plan in Costa Rica

Dominican Republic – Building capacity to advance National Adaptation Plan process in the Dominican Republic

El Salvador - Agreements, processes, and tools to move towards a climate-resilient society in El Salvador

Honduras – Enabling Environments to Effectively Plan, Implement, Monitor and Report Strategic National Adaptation Processes

Nature4Cities (Honduras, Dominican Republic, Cuba, Ecuador, Guatemala, Panama and Uruguay) - Increasing resilience through Nature based Solutions in Latin American cities

Panama –Building capacities for the implementation of the National Adaptation Plan at sectoral level in Panama

Paraguay - Ecosystem-based Approaches for Reducing the Vulnerability of Food Security to the Impacts of Climate Change in the Chaco Region of Paraguay


Albania – Building the Resilience of Kune-Vaini Lagoon through Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA)

ClimaProof – Enhancing Environmental Performance and Climate Proofing of Infrastructure Investments in the Western Balkan Region from an EU integration perspective

Last updated: 23 Sep 2024, 18:26