World Adaptation Science Programme

The World Adaption Science Programme (WASP) has been built from the lessons learned from the previous Programme of Research on Climate Change Vulnerability, Impacts and Adaptation (PROVIA), which was one of the four components that formed the World Climate Programme (WCP) based on the WMO Congress XVI Resolution 18.

WASP is led by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the Green Climate Fund (GCF) , the Global Environment Facility (GEF), the United Nations University (UNU), and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). The WASP has an international panel with a multi-stakeholder governance structure consisting of a Management Group, a Science Committee, and a Policy and Finance Committee. Learn more


WASP’s core vision is ensuring that climate adaptation knowledge gaps are filled to inform evidence-based policies, solutions and actions for successful adaptation to new climate conditions. Our priority is addressing the knowledge needs in vulnerable developing countries and providing policy-relevant science for decision-makers.

This vision encapsulates three major components:

 1. Catalyse bridging current knowledge gaps

WASP catalyses research that addresses knowledge needs for adaptation actions and decision-making. Under this category, some actions include identifying knowledge gaps and addressing them through promoting related research; contributing to IPCC WG II, adaptation on the ground, policy through the UNFCCC process, and addressing the needs identified by WASP sponsor organizations. This vision component would be supported by WASP platforms and partnerships that can help catalyse such research.

2. Catalyse bridging potential future knowledge gaps

WASP, by engaging with the broad adaptation science community, including the IPCC WG II, identifies key uncertainties and limitations in the underlying scientific areas (social and natural sciences) relevant for adaptation, and work towards addressing them. This would include filling niches/vacuums not addressed by others and taking account of innovative work, emerging trends, and leading-edge thinking. As with paragraph 2.1 above, this vision component would also be supported by WASP platforms and partnerships that can help catalyse such research.

3. Provide policy-relevant guidance through WASP products 

This includes products authored by WASP members and other experts, that can incorporate evidence-based guidance aiming to fill identified gaps relevant to adaptation planning, implementation, and evaluation, e.g. the WASP science for adaptation policy briefs.


WASP’s overall mission is to make science work for climate change adaptation. WASP ensures that researchers, policymakers and practitioners have the knowledge, capacity and solutions to underpin and implement effective adaptation to climate change. Its work focuses primarily on providing products and services to the UNFCCC process, IPCC assessments, GCF projects and GEF projects.

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