Ecosystem-based Adaptation in Mauritania, Seychelles & Nepal

Project Title

Enhancing capacity, knowledge and technology support to build climate resilience of vulnerable developing countries

Project factsheet

Key Figures:

  • Budget: USD 4.9 million (co-finance USD 23 million)
  • Executing Agency: National Development and Reform Commission of China (NDRC) through the Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IGSNRR, CAS).
  • Area rehabilitated: 

    Seychelles: 29ha mangroves and wetlands forest; 500m high way protection using mangroves restoration; 1.7km water channel and 7 culverts for hydrological flow improvement.

    Nepal: Forest enhancement and agro-forestry with 500,000 seedlings; crop diversification for 150 households. 

    Mauritania: 450ha of multi-use green belts using drought resilient and soil-stabilizing species
  • Fund: Special Climate Change Fund
  • Timeframe: 2013-2020


Project ‘EbA South’ seeks to help developing countries across Africa and Asia-Pacific adapt to climate change, in part by restoring natural habitats across all types of ecosystems, from the high mountain-tops to the low-lying coasts. This project involves building an interactive web-based platform for knowledge-sharing. The project is producing documentaries, funding guidance, policy briefs and planning tools for adaptation activities. On-the-ground ecological restoration will rehabilitate 29 hectares of mangrove forests in the Seychelles, thus providing natural flood barriers. community-based watershed habitat is being restored in Nepal with over 500,000 seedlings planted, and in attempts to control desertification in Mauritania, it is restoring 450 hectares of multi-use desert greenbelt.

Through these interventions, UNEP is regulating water quality, flow and storage, thereby improving freshwater provision and food security. These interventions increase the supply of non-timber forest products, such as fruit, nuts and fiber. Biodiversity is boosted by the added protection from extreme weather events, especially when it comes to shoreline defense from coastal storm surges. Furthermore, by protecting marine spawning grounds, UNEP is strengthening the production of fisheries and the associated economic benefits.


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To explore UNEP's other EbA projects, click here.

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