EbA in Rwanda

Ecosystem-based Adaptation in Rwanda

Project Title 

Building resilience of communities living in degraded forests, savannahs and wetlands of Rwanda

Project factsheet

Key Figures

  • Budget: USD 5.5 million (Co-finance: USD 7.4 million)
  • Executing Entity: Rwanda Environment Management Authority (REMA)
  • Area to rehabilitate: 620 hectares restored with climate-resilient species
  • Beneficiaries: 2,800 people
  • Fund: Least Developed Countries Fund
  • Project sites: Kayonza, Bugesera, Ngororero, Kirehe, Musanze and Gasabo districts.
  • Timeframe: 2016 - 2022 


In Rwanda, UN Environment and partners are helping people adapt to climate change by restoring land with climate-resilient species that offer numerous benefits for local people. The proposed project will use an Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) approach to restore degraded wetland, forest and savanna ecosystems. This will enhance the resilience of these ecosystems against the effects of climate change. As a result, the climate vulnerability of local communities will be reduced.

The proposed project will demonstrate the benefits of EbA by using intervention sites in the most vulnerable areas in Rwanda. To maximize the sustainability and upscaling of the interventions, the project will: i) train national- and local-level authorities as well as local communities at intervention sites on the use of EbA; ii) increase scientific knowledge on the benefits of EbA and identify best practices for EbA; iii) provide guiding documents to mainstream EbA into polices, plans and strategies in Rwanda; and iv) increase local community awareness on the role of ecological infrastructure in increasing climate resilience.

Media & Resources


To explore UNEP's other EbA projects, click here.

For more information about the project or UNEP’s work in climate adaptation, contact us here UNEP-Climate-Adaptation@un.org

Last updated: 02 May 2024, 14:22