Environmental assessment

In Environment under review

We facilitate global, regional and national policymaking through environmental assessments and by making environmental data and information available on open platforms.

To effectively address environmental challenges they must be well understood. To help facilitate the sharing of knowledge on the environment, we engage with stakeholders to assess environmental trends to inform policy action. The many issues the planet faces today range from how to sustainably manage dryland areas to understanding the source and scale of marine litter in the deep sea.

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In Environment under review

Emissions Gap Report 2017: Governments, non-state actors must do more to reach Paris Agreement

Paris pledges only a third of what is needed to avoid worst impacts of climate change Adopting new technologies in key sectors, at investment of under US$100/tonne, could reduce emissions by up to 36 gigatonnes…

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Global Environmental Assessments

Assessments validate the importance of the issue being assessed by providing an authoritative analysis of policy relevant information based on scientific questions. Assessments also provide the platform to analyze the benefits, costs and risks of various policy options.

Contact Us

Science Division

United Nations Environment

P.O. Box 30552 - 00100

Nairobi, Kenya

E-mail: geo.head@unep.org