Give a bigger voice to environmental defenders

UN Environment will continue to promote awareness on environmental rights issues to the public.

UN Environment collaborates with media on the training of journalists on issues related to environmental rights and environmental defenders as well as on the sharing of relevant information. Through this, we aim to: disseminate information on environmental rights to the public, particularly to vulnerable populations and indigenous peoples; provide visibility to attacks on environmental defenders and environmental rights violations; and highlight progress on the implementation of environmental rights.

What are your environmental rights?

If you are a member of the media and wish to share information with us or wish to be added to our mailing list, please email unenvironment-defenders[at]un[dot]org

If you provide media training and are interested in working with us on environmental rights please contact niamh.brannigan[at]un[dot]org

Last updated: 07 Sep 2021, 05:44