The International Coral Reef Initiative (ICRI)

In Ocean, seas and coasts

The International Coral Reef Initiative (ICRI) is an informal partnership between Nations and organizations which strives to preserve coral reefs and related ecosystems around the world. ICRI was launched at the United Nations Global Conference on Sustainable Development of Small Islands Developing States in Barbados in 1994. ICRI is a joint initiative of several countries in partnership with other coral reef nations around the world, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), international organizations, multilateral development banks, and private sector businesses.

The ICRI Secretariat is hosted for a determined term (usually two years) by State members, on a voluntary basis (France 2016-2018). The Secretariat progresses ICRI’s objectives through a specific Plan of Action; and organizes General Meetings of Members at least annually. The Secretariat can also choose to organize side events at major international summits and conferences to raise ICRI’s profile and promote its work.

UNEP has been an active player in ICRI since its inception.

  • UNEP established a Coral Reef Unit (CRU) in 2000 with an original mandate to oversee the funding of the International Coral Reef Action Network (ICRAN), a former Operational Network of ICRI. In 2011, the CRU was moved from Cambridge, UK to Bangkok, Thailand. The CRU is now leading the Coral Reef Partnership which delivers on ICRI’s Call to Action and Framework for Action by working in partnership with the UNEP Regional Seas Programme and other institutions to support regional and national policies on coral reefs; develop demonstration projects and provide capacity building and networking opportunities.
  • UNEP has also given high priority to the implementation of ICRI, supporting regional workshops for the Wider Caribbean, East Asia, Red Sea and Gulf of Aden, South Asia, Pacific and Eastern African regions. These workshops developed regional policy frameworks and programmes of action for the protection and management of coral reefs and associated ecosystems such as seagrass beds and mangrove forests.
  • Other regional seas Conventions which have established close working relations and collaboration with ICRI include SACEP, PERSGA among others.

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In Ocean, seas and coasts

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