Call for Expressions of Interest - Regional Working Groups on Food Waste: Measurement and reduction

In Sustainable Development Goals

We are very happy to announce that UNEP´s initiative “Global Opportunities for SDGS” (GO4SDGs) together with WRAP and One Planet Network- Programme on Sustainable food Systems is launching Regional Working Groups on Food Waste to provide capacity building on the measurement and reduction of food waste, and peer to peer collaboration between countries as they tackle similar food waste reduction challenges. UNEP together with technical partner WRAP will facilitate a series of workshops over the coming year to help governments and relevant partners develop baselines for reporting on SDG 12.3 in 2022 and national food waste prevention strategies to coordinate action.

Four working groups will be convened, for Asia Pacific, West Asia, Africa, and Latin America & the Caribbean. Governments in each region are invited to respond to the Call for Expressions of Interest below by 23 April 2021 to propose their participation.

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On 4 March 2021, UNEP published the Food Waste Index Report 2021, which provides new global food waste estimates and a common methodology for measuring and reporting food waste under SDG 12.3. The report finds that nearly a billion tonnes of food are wasted annually at retail and consumer level - generating 8-10% of global greenhouse gas emissions, impacting biodiversity, land and water resources, costing governments, businesses and households nearly a trillion US dollars, and failing 690 million people who are undernourished or hungry. In the most comprehensive collection and analysis of food waste data to date, the report finds that household food waste is a significant issue in almost every country that has measured it.

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In Sustainable Development Goals

Last updated: 16 Sep 2024, 10:40