Current Projects

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To strengthen systemic, institutional and individual capacity for effective implementation of the Rio Conventions in South Sudan

Categorized Under: Africa South Sudan

To strengthen national capacity for environmental information and knowledge management for the implementation, monitoring and reporting of Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs) and relevant Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Botswana

Categorized Under: Africa Botswana

Project Objective: To strengthen national capacity for environmental information and knowledge management for the implementation, monitoring and reporting of Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs) and relevant Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Benin

Categorized Under: Africa Benin

To enhance capacities of Iraq for monitoring and reporting on Multilateral Environmental Agreements through a well-integrated and functional environment information system

Categorized Under: West Asia The Republic of Iraq

To strengthen national capacity for environmental information and knowledge management for the imple-mentation, monitoring and reporting of Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs) and relevant Sustain-able Development Goals (SDGs) in Mauritania

Categorized Under: Africa Mauritania

This project will establish a Pacific Island Country (PIC) network of national and regional databases for monitoring, evaluating, and analyzing environmental information to support environmental planning, forecasting, and reporting requirements at all levels.

to enhance the capacities of Haiti's Government for environmental decision-making and implementation in line with national priorities, (with an emphasis on cross-sectoral issues such as coastal zone management and the protection of water sources and riverbanks).

To strengthen institutional capacity for the implementation and monitoring of international conventions as a follow-up to the National Capacity Self Assessment (NCSA) of St. Lucia and to better integrate environmental concerns, and the value of ecosystems, into its broader development frameworks

To take stock of South Sudan’s existing capacities and specific capacity needs and priorities, as it moves to implement multilateral environmental Conventions to which it is a signatory.

Categorized Under: Africa South Sudan

Building Core Capacity for Decentralized MEA implementation and Natural Resources Management in Afghanistan

Categorized Under: Asia and the Pacific Afghanistan

To enhance capacities of institutions for environmental management in Bosnia and Herzegovina by institutionalizing identified tools and practices for environmental information and knowledge management

Categorized Under: Europe Bosnia and Herzegovina

To assess the capacity development needs for the synergetic and coordinated implementation of multilateral environmental conventions in Iraq

Categorized Under: West Asia The Republic of Iraq

To strengthen institutional capacity in the implementation of international conventions as a follow-up to the National Capacity Self Assessment (NCSA)

Categorized Under: Africa Cameroon

The overall objective (goal) of the project is to pilot nationally-driven integrated processes and approaches to reporting to the three Rio Conventions (CBD, UNCCD and UNFCCC). More specifically, the project will (a) develop integrated approaches to data collection/analysis and information management of relevance to the three Rio Conventions; (b) increase synergies in the process of reporting to the three Conventions without compromising COP decisions in this regard; and (c) contribute to improved overall planning and decision-making processes at the country-level related to the implementation of these Conventions.

The project overall goal is to enhance abilities of Kenya to address global environmental issues related to land degradation, climate change, biodiversity conservation and chemical management through effective, coordinated and integrated implementation of respective multi-lateral environmental agreements.

Categorized Under: Africa Kenya

The main objective of this NCSA project is to identify and determine the nature of the critical capacity constraints for global environmental management, and to prepare a national strategy and action plan for addressing them. In addition the NCSA process will identify, through a country-driven consultative process, priorities and needs for capacity-building to protect the global environment, and develop new thematic programmes for the areas of biodiversity (inclusive of wetlands), climate change and land degradation.

To identify, through a country-driven consultative process, priorities and needs for capacity building to protect the global environment.

The NCSA process will afford Barbados an important opportunity to conduct a thorough assessment of its national capacity to assist in protecting the global environment by effectively implementing the Rio Conventions, specifically the Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the Convention on Biological Diversity (UNCBD) and the Convention to Combat Drought and Desertification (UNCCD). It will also contribute to the implementation of the broader National Sustainable Development Policy

The primary goal of this project is to identify, through a country-driven consultative process, the priorities and needs for capacity building to protect the global environment which can work effectively within the existing political, administrative and cultural systems of the country.

Through participating in an NCSA process Vanuatu will: review and confirm national environmental priority issues for action within the thematic areas of biodiversity, climate change, desertification/land degradation and persistent organic pollutants. explore related capacity needs within and across these thematic areas. link country action in these thematic areas to the broader national environmental management and sustainable development priorities and action plans. catalyse targeted and coordinated action, and requests for future external funding and assistance.

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