Country: Barbados
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16 results found
To enhance knowledge uptake and application within academia and communities of policy and technical practice in SIDS by implementing a systematic approach for extraction and translation of green-blue knowledge elements generated by GEF projects.
To reduce the threats to endangered reptiles from habitat loss and Invasive Alien Species by enhancing biodiversity governance and biosecurity frameworks in Barbados.
To enhance national-level institutional and technical capacities for the 2021-2022 UNCCD reporting process in the context of the UNCCD Strategic Framework 2018-2030 and SDG15.3
To prevent the build-up of materials and chemicals in the environment that contain POPs and Mercury and other harmful chemicals in SIDS, and to manage and dispose of existing harmful chemicals and materials in SIDS
To assist GEF-Eligible Parties to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety to prepare and submit their Fourth National Reports on measures that each Party has taken to implement the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety
To implement innovative technical small-scale solutions in the Wider Caribbean Region using an integrated water and wastewater management approach building on sustainable financing mechanisms piloted through the Caribbean Regional Fund for Wastewater Manag
Prevention, early detection, control and management frameworks for invasive alien species (IAS) that emphasize a risk management approach by focusing on the highest risk invasion pathways of Barbados and OECS countries.
To enable country Parties to collect necessary biophysical, socioeconomic data, establish sound reporting and monitoring systems at national level and report against the UNCCD Strategy
to contribute to the preservation of Caribbean ecosystems that are of global significance and the sustainability of livelihoods through the application of existing proven technologies and approaches that are appropriate for small island developing states through improved fresh and coastal water resources management, sustainable land management and sustainable forest management that also seek to enhance resilience of socio-ecological systems to the impacts of climate change.
1.To review and propose changes and improvements in existing legislation to assist the conservation and sustainable utilization of biological diversity in Barbados, especially with regard to sectoral integration, incentive measures and land-use planning; 2. To review and collate existing information on endemic and indigenous species of Barbados, both within Barbados and in other countries, and to develop a programme for monitoring key indicators of biodiversity; including to develop a terrestrial invertebrate collection and undergo associated training; and 3. To develop and activate a national Clearing House Mechanism (CHM) of the CBD to better participate in the CBD process and to raise public awareness of biodiversity in Barbados.
To Assist GEF-Eligible Parties to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety to prepare and make timely submission of their Third National Reports on measures that each party has taken to implement the Protocol in line with Article 33.
To strengthen the capacity for implementation of the updated POPs Global Monitoring Plan (GMP) and to create the conditions for sustainable monitoring of POPs in the Latin American and Caribbean Region
To facilitate access to GEF funding by 20 countries for Enabling Activities to meet their obligations under the UNCCD a) alignment of NAPs with 10 – Year Strategy and b) Reporting and Review process
Project Objective: With the overarching goal of integrating CBD Obligations into National Planning Processes through Enabling Activities, the main objective of this project is to enable GEF eligible LDCs and SIDs to revise the National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs) and to develop the Fifth National Report to the CBD
In the context of the Cartagena Convention and its LBS Protocol2, to pilot revolving financing mechanisms and their related wastewater management reforms that can be subsequently established as feasible instruments to provide sustainable financing for the implementation of environmentally sound and cost-effective wastewater management measures.
The NCSA process will afford Barbados an important opportunity to conduct a thorough assessment of its national capacity to assist in protecting the global environment by effectively implementing the Rio Conventions, specifically the Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the Convention on Biological Diversity (UNCBD) and the Convention to Combat Drought and Desertification (UNCCD). It will also contribute to the implementation of the broader National Sustainable Development Policy
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