Country: India
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20 results found
To strengthen institutional, human and regulatory capacities and promote cooperative measures in the implementation of National Biosafety Frameworks for the safe transfer, handling and use of living modified organisms (LMOs) in Asia.
To eliminate uncontrolled releases of mercury from healthcare settings
To enhance biodiversity conservation and environmental sustainability of critical coastal landscapes in India by integrating natural capital and ecosystem services values in District-level blue economy strategy and spatial planning processes, and coastal sector operations
Facilitate the implementation of the Stockholm Convention in India through the development, review and update of the NIPs and submission to the Conference of the Parties (COP) of the Convention
To reduce land degradation and conserve biodiversity in agricultural landscapes in the states of Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka, by promoting sustainable agricultural production, supply chains and public- private finance
To demonstrate low emissions, resilient, nature-based inclusive sustainable urban development in selected cities and support scale-up nationally.
To enable the GoI and relevant stakeholders to make the transformative shift to de-carbonize transport systems, catalyse access to finance for a large-scale adoption of EV across vehicle segments and reduce air pollution in cities by promoting scale-up of electric mobility(1) in India
To assist GEF-Eligible Parties to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety to prepare and submit their Fourth National Reports on measures that each Party has taken to implement the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety
Enhanced management effectiveness of wetlands of national and international significance
To introduce bio- and botanical pesticides and other alternatives to DDT as first step for elimination of dependency on DDT, ensuring food safety, enhancing livelihood and protecting human health and the environment. The project will demonstrate cost-effective, socially acceptable and environmentally sustainable alternatives to DDT and other POP chemical of similar use.
To Assist GEF-Eligible Parties to the Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit Sharing to prepare and make timely submission of their Interim National Reports on measures that each party has taken to implement the Protocol in line with Article 29
To reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions through energy efficiency through scaling up and new technology applications
To mainstream the conservation and use of agricultural biodiversity for resilient agriculture and sustainable production to improve livelihoods and access and benefit sharing
To Assist GEF-Eligible Parties to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety to prepare and make timely submission of their Third National Reports on measures that each party has taken to implement the Protocol in line with Article 33
To support the development of national fuel economy policies in 20 countries, 6 countries through GEF-5 STAR Allocations and 14 without GEF funding, using existing tools developed with GEF-4 support (examples are the fuel economy baseline calculation methodology and online GFEI toolkit). In addition, to support coordination of the 20 country projects at the regional level to ensure that results are disseminated to other countries within the region. This will result in reduced vehicle fleet CO2 emissions in these 20 countries inline with the Global Fuel Economy Initiative's target of a 50% improvement of the overall global fleet fuel economy by 2050.
To strengthen the biosafety management system in India with special emphasis on Risk Assessmnet and Management, Handling, Transport, Packaging and Identification of LMOs, Socio Economic Considerations and Public awareness, to ensure adequate protection of human health and biodiversity from potential harm arising from all LMO-related activities.
Institutional, individual; and systemic capacities of stakeholders are increased to effectively implement the Biological Diversity Act and the Rules to achieve biodiversity conservation through implementing ABS agreements in India.
The overall development goal of the project is to strengthen sustainable livelihoods through improved management and utilization of tropical fruit genetic diversity. The project objective is to improve the conservation and use of tropical fruit genetic diversity in Asia by strengthening the capacity of farmers, local communities and institutions.
The development goal of the project is to conserve, sustainably use and manage pollinators. The project has three principal objectives. The project will (1) develop and implement tools, methodologies, strategies and best management practices for pollinator conservation and sustainable use. (2) build local, national, regional and global capacities to enable the design, planning and implementation of interventions to mitigate pollinator population declines, and establish sustainable pollinator management practices, and (3) promote the co-ordination and integration of activities related to the conservation and sustainable use of pollinators at the international level to enhance global synergies.
Institutional Strengthening and Mainstreaming Biosafety for effective implementation of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety
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