Country: Cote d'Ivoire
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28 results found
To increase the management effectiveness of the Grand-Bereby Marine Protected Area (MPA)
To reduce the use of mercury in the ASGM sector in Côte d'Ivoire through a holistic, multisectoral, integrated formalization approach, and increase access to traceable gold supply chains and finance for adoption of sustainable mercury free technologies.
To support forty-three (43) developing countries to prepare and submit Biennial Transparency Reports (BTRs) and National Communications (NCs) that comply with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)/Paris Agreement (PA) reporting requirements; and respond to their national development goals.
Reverse ecosystem and water degradation and support integrated ecosystem-based development in the Volta River Basin through strengthened transboundary governance and restoration and conservation of ecosystems for sustainable livelihoods.
To enhance national-level institutional and technical capacities for the 2021-2022 UNCCD reporting process in the context of the UNCCD Strategic Framework 2018-2030 and SDG15.3
To fast-track readiness and early actions to implement the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework by providing financial and technical support to GEF-eligible Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) in their work to review and align their national targets, NBSAPs, policy frameworks, monitoring frameworks and finance with the Global Biodiversity Framework
Facilitate the implementation of the Stockholm Convention in participating countries through the development, review and update of the NIPs and submission to the Conference of the Parties (COP) of the Convention
To mitigate GHG emissions in Cote d’Ivoire by accelerating the introduction of electric mobility through revision of the policy and institutional framework; training and capacity building; demonstration of electric vehicles; development of finance schemes
To assist GEF-Eligible Parties to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety to prepare and submit their Fourth National Reports on measures that each Party has taken to implement the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety
Assist Cote d’Ivoire in the development of its National Action Plan, raise national awareness on the Minamata Convention and build initial national capacity for the early implementation of the National Action Plan
To ensure scaling up and the sustainability of REDD+ financing mechanisms at the national level in order to address deforestation and forest degradation and support effective protected areas management.
To facilitate access to GEF funding by 52 countries for Enabling Activities to meet their obligations under the UNCCD a) alignment of NAPs with 10 – Year Strategy and b) Reporting and Review process
Project Objective: To support thirteen (13) developing countries prepare and submit National Communications (NCs) and Biennial Update Reports (BURs) that comply with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) reporting requirements while responding to national development goals
Improving knowledge-based management, governance and resources conservation of the Niger Basin and the Iullemeden-Taoudeni/Tanezrouft Aquifer System (ITTAS) to support IWRM for the benefit of communities and the resilience of ecosystems
Strengthen fisheries governance, management and value chains, through the implementation of an ecosystem approach to fisheries, of relevant international instruments and of innovative governance partnerships in three countries in West Africa (Cabo Verde, Cote dvore and Senegal)
To provide financial and technical support to GEF-eligible Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity CBD in their work to develop high quality, data driven sixth national reports (6NR) that will improve national decision-making processes for the implementation of NBSAPs; that report on progress towards achieving the Aichi Biodiversity Targets ABTs and inform both the fifth Global Biodiversity Outlook (GBO5) and the Global Biodiversity Strategy of 2021 - 2030.
To enable country Parties to collect necessary biophysical, socioeconomic data, establish sound reporting and monitoring systems at national level and report against the UNCCD Strategy
To Assist GEF-Eligible Parties to the Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit Sharing to prepare and make timely submission of their Interim National Reports on measures that each party has taken to implement the Protocol in line with Article 29
to maintain functionality of cocoa-coffee production zones in the central and reverse land degradation trend in northern parts of the country by creating an enabling capacity and policy environment through development of community land use plans and facilitating access to good SLM practices
Ratification and early implementation of the Minamata Convention is facilitated by the use of scientific and technical knowledge and tools by national stakeholders in participating countries
The network of forested Parks and Reserves of Cote d'Ivoire is sustainably protected, financed, and managed with a landscape approach, and the participation of the concerned stakeholders.
To support the development of national fuel economy policies in 20 countries, 6 countries through GEF-5 STAR Allocations and 14 without GEF funding, using existing tools developed with GEF-4 support (examples are the fuel economy baseline calculation methodology and online GFEI toolkit). In addition, to support coordination of the 20 country projects at the regional level to ensure that results are disseminated to other countries within the region. This will result in reduced vehicle fleet CO2 emissions in these 20 countries inline with the Global Fuel Economy Initiative's target of a 50% improvement of the overall global fleet fuel economy by 2050.
To prepare and submit Côte d'Ivoire's first biennial update report (BUR) to UNFCCC and in doing so enhance Côte d'Ivoire's capacity to meet its reporting obligations under the UNFCCC on a continuous basis.
The main objective of the GEF project (the Project) is the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions through Energy-Efficient lighting market transformation and progressive phasing-out of incandescent bulbs in the residential, municipal and institutional sectors in Côte d’Ivoire.
With the overarching goal of integrating CBD Obligations into National Planning Processes through Enabling Activities, the main objective of this project is to enable Mongolia to revise its National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs) and to develop the Fifth National Report to the CBD
Showing 1 - 25 of 28