Current Projects

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43 results found

Foster multi-country cooperation and to enhance institutional capacity for the protection and sustainable management of the transboundary Senegalo-Mauritanian aquifer system and its dependent ecosystems in order to improve water and food security, and resilience to climate change.

To create and strengthen nature-based Blue Economy opportunities and approaches in the Caribbean through innovative financing mechanisms.

To support lake ecosystems recovery through phosphorus emissions reductions from land to water to improve the protection and restoration of freshwater and coastal ecosystems, bringing together the global lake management and sustainable phosphorus management communities including developing and testing a sustainable phosphorus management framework in Chile to inform international application.

Categorized Under: Global Global

To promote water security through strengthening transboundary water governance, sustainable development, balancing multiple-use and promoting integrated management of the Pantanal-Upper Paraguay River Basin for the social and economic well-being of the population and for the conservation of the freshwater ecosystem, its services, its biodiversity and connectivity.

To enhance awareness of ABNJ governance to support sustainable resource use and biodiversity conservation in marine areas beyond national jurisdiction through strengthened cross-sectoral capacity building.

Categorized Under: Global Global

To reverse the over-exploitation of select commercial living marine resources by enhancing the capacity of Mediterranean countries to manage fisheries, including through the application of ecosystem-based management tools, in their blue economy development

Reducing regional marine plastics and plastic pollution by facilitating governments and businesses at the city-level, to accelerate the transition to a circular economy thereby responding to national, regional and global marine litter and plastics-related action plans, resolutions and commitments.

Reverse ecosystem and water degradation and support integrated ecosystem-based development in the Volta River Basin through strengthened transboundary governance and restoration and conservation of ecosystems for sustainable livelihoods.

Reducing stress on the transboundary water resources in the Trifinio region by developing a Strategic Action Plan for its trinational Lempa River Basin and enabling the joint management of the shared water resources, while building community-based ecosyste

Towards a more impactful GEF portfolio: facilitating replication of good practice across GEF International Waters projects, including projects across all focal areas in Small Island Developing States, working in collaboration with development partners, supporting the delivery of training information management, providing programmatic guidance and facilitating partnership building.

Categorized Under: Global Global

Improve water quality, rehabilitate the coastal and marine ecosystems, and avoid depletion of marine resources in the Gulf of Mexico Large Marine Ecosystem (GoM-LME)

Balancing of competing water uses in priority coastal areas through water, food, energy and ecosystems integrated governance, to enhance environmental security and sharing of benefits.

Foster MedProgramme-wide learning and dissemination of knowledge, effective portfolio coordination and synergistic interactions among CPs, gender mainstreaming and monitoring progress to impacts.

Leverage and build upon existing parliamentary caucus architecture to raise awareness about blue economy opportunities and Large Marine Ecosystems Strategic Action Programs and elevate marine issues amongst legislators in order to facilitate regional coop

Categorized Under: Global Global

Governments and businesses commit to and begin implementing policies, programs, and investments that advance the transition to the Blue Economy (sustainable ocean economy).

Categorized Under: Global Global

Implementing the Strategic Action Program (SAP), promoting Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) and source-to-sea approaches, to improve ecological, social and economic benefits and, enabling the countries to meet their relevant SDG and convention

Addressing the challenges of water resources management as a contribution to the water, food, energy, ecosystem security nexus by restoring and protecting mangroves, making the business case for natural infrastructure in order to build resilience and impro

Categorized Under: Asia and the Pacific Cambodia

Improving knowledge-based management, governance and resources conservation of the Niger Basin and the Iullemeden-Taoudeni/Tanezrouft Aquifer System (ITTAS) to support IWRM for the benefit of communities and the resilience of ecosystems

Strengthen fisheries governance, management and value chains, through the implementation of an ecosystem approach to fisheries, of relevant international instruments and of innovative governance partnerships in three countries in West Africa (Cabo Verde, Cote dvore and Senegal)

To assist countries in meeting the targets of the approved Strategic Action Programme (SAP) for the marine and coastal environment of the South China Sea (SCS) through implementation of the National Action Plans in support of the SAP, and strengthening regional co-ordination for SCS SAP implementation.

The project aims to capitalize on a growing baseline of knowledge on marine plastics sources, pathways and environmental impacts to inform the development of the GEF 7 Strategy and the application of a systemic approach to global plastic issues

Categorized Under: Global Global

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