Current Projects

Country: Chile

Showing 1 - 15 of 15

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15 results found

Accelerate and scale-up the adoption of low-carbon electric vehicles in Chilean regions.

Accelerate the decarbonisation of the heating sector in Chile by fostering the deployment of district energy systems

Conserve and recover coastal landscapes1 (CL) including wetlands and adjacent watershed territories, integrating them into local development, through their sustainable management and use

Strengthen and improve transparency mechanisms of Chilean national institutions for domestic and UN conventions reporting

Accelerating transformation of Chile’s markets to more energy efficient (EE) residential refrigerators/freezers thereby achieving reduction of GHG emissions and contributing to improved energy access and energy security.

To Consolidate Public Private Initiatives to Conserve Globally Significant Biodiversity and Multiple Ecosystem Services in the Mountain Areas of Chile’s Mediterranean Ecosystem in the Metropolitan and Valparaiso Regions

Promote the rapid uptake of high energy efficient lighting technologies through the transformation of efficient lighting products markets, thereby reducing electrical demand and consumption and the related greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

To Prevent Species Extinctions at Priority Sites Identified Through the Alliance for Zero Extinction (AZE)

To strengthen the capacity for implementation of the updated POPs Global Monitoring Plan (GMP) and to create the conditions for sustainable monitoring of POPs in the Latin American and Caribbean Region

Reduce threats to globally important biodiversity through integrating the findings and tools of ecosystem service assessments in policy and decision making

Showing 1 - 15 of 15

Enter number only i.e. 9815