GEO-6 Advisory bodies

The following advisory bodies were established for GEO-6 to ensure a policy relevant and

scientifically credible assessment.

High-Level Intergovernmental and Stakeholder Advisory Group (HLG)

The High-Level Intergovernmental and Stakeholder Advisory Group (HLG) was established to provide guidance to the policy assessment process, and leadership on the Summary for Policy Makers, and provide substantive support to relevant outreach activities. 

Scientific Advisory Panel (SAP)

The Scientific Advisory Panel (SAP) was established to guide the assessment process and to ensure scientific credibility and overall quality and integrity of GEO-6. 

Assessment Methodologies, Data and Information Working Group (AMG)

The key mandate of the Assessment Methodologies, Data and Information Working Group (AMG)  was to “to provide guidance on assessment methodologies and to guide the overall quality assurance of data and information flows”.

Interagency GEO Support Group

The Interagency GEO Support Group was meant to provide technical support and interagency coordination during the GEO-6 assessment process.