The Global Framework on Chemicals Fund issues periodic calls for applications. The first round of applications is open from 1 October 2024 to 31 January 2025. The Fund provides financial support of 300,000 to 800,000 USD for an implementation period of up to three years. Applicants are requested to provide co-financing and in-kind contributions of at least 25%.  

What is a Fund project? 

The overview section sets out the Fund's strategic priorities. Every project applying for funding must meet the minimum criteria, and applicants are encouraged to consider the desirable criteria.

  • Minimum criteria

    The project: 

    • is aligned with and supports the vision, strategic objectives, and targets of the Global Framework on Chemicals, with particular attention to the strategic priorities set out above.  
    • builds long-term capacity in the management of chemicals and waste nationally, regionally, or internationally. 
    • has a sustainable financing mechanism or a plan for ensuring long-term sustainability beyond the life of the Global Framework on Chemicals funding. 
    • should try to achieve at least 25% co-financing which could include in-kind contributions such as staff time, accommodation, office space, or operating costs.  
    • creates synergies with other related initiatives in the country, regionally and/or globally. 
    • does not duplicate existing projects and programmes funded under other bilateral or multilateral funding mechanisms. 
    • has a gender mainstreaming component and promotes UNEP safeguard standards. 
    • involves sectors and stakeholders, particularly other ministries and authorities, relevant to implementing the specific projects. 
  • Desirable criteria

    The project: 

    • supports the implementation of the fifth International Conference on Chemicals Management (ICCM5) resolutions, taking into account priorities for implementation mentioned in paragraph 9 of resolution V/8.  
    • builds on or complements previous initiatives and projects to ensure the sustainability of the outcomes and draws on lessons learned.  
    • implements large-scale projects, possibly through established structures such as regional centres, health networks, etc.  
    • has the potential to be scaled up from national to regional or global level.  
    • prioritises the involvement of major economic and industry sectors.  
    • engages with civil society, non-economic sectors, the private sector and/or other relevant stakeholders.  
    • explores or demonstrates links with investment and development banks for investment opportunities, particularly for higher-value projects.  
    • supports the private and finance sector, especially small businesses, to incorporate strategies and policies that ensure the safe and sustainable management of chemicals in their financial approaches and encourages them to adopt and apply internationally recognized reporting standards. 

For more information, please read the guidance document on the scope of the Fund. English | French | Spanish

Application forms 

Interested applicants may use the four-month application period to develop a project proposal and fill in the requested forms. Project development usually involves extensive consultation with respective ministries and other stakeholders. The Fund encourages all applicants to reach out to their national focal point early to discuss national priorities.  

The application must include the following documents, which must be submitted in English language:  

  • Letter(s) of support from the official focal point(s)/lead government 
  • Letter(s) of support from all project partners and confirming their roles 
  • For regional/multi-country projects: Letters of support from all participating countries 
  • For applications by other organizations and entities: Proof of incorporation or founding documents for your organization/entity  
  • For projects with an implementing organization/institution that is not an entity of the national government, a letter from the organization/institution confirming its role   

Applicants are encouraged to read the application guidelines (EnglishFrenchSpanish) for further information on developing a project proposal and filling in the application documents.  

If the Executive Board has approved the project, applicants will be requested to develop a logical framework. The logical framework must be submitted using the following template:

Submitting an application 

Please send your complete application package in Word and PDF (with scanned or electronic signatures) to by 31 January  2025.