31 May 2024 Statement Chemicals & waste

Press Release: International Capacity Building Program on Plastic Waste Management and Circular Economy Concludes in Republic of Korea







Osaka, 31 May 2024 – In an ambitious move to combat the escalating crisis of plastic waste in the Asia Pacific region, Ulsan College (UC) and the Ulsan International Development Cooperation Center (UIDCC), in partnership with the International Environmental Technology Centre of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), successfully hosted a five-day capacity building program in Ulsan, Republic of Korea. The event, held from May 6 to May 10, aimed to share innovative practices, technologies, and policies to enhance plastic waste management and promote circular economy in developing countries.

The program welcomed over 80 participants during the five days of event, including government officials, industry experts, and nine representants from Thailand and five from Timor Leste; as well as local participants from Republic of Korea. The event also had 11 local and international special speakers, that delivered lectures on topics like finance, policy, Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) schemes, technologies, environmental education, and others.

This diverse assembly facilitated a rich exchange of ideas and experiences, creating a dynamic environment for learning and collaboration. The comprehensive schedule featured a blend of open dialogues, training sessions, and study tours to local facilities related to waste management in Ulsan and the region, providing participants with practical insights and hands-on experience.

These activities further highlighted the latest advancements in plastic recycling technologies in the Republic of Korea and the importance of community involvement in environmental initiatives. The program also emphasized the development of actionable plans for participants to implement in their home countries, tailored to address local challenges in plastic pollution.

The significance of this training was underscored by the President of Ulsan College, Hong Rae Cho, who praised the initiative as a crucial step towards building a sustainable future. Additionally, Takehiro Nakamura, head of UNEP International Environmental Technology Centre (IETC), highlighted the program’s role in supporting countries in reinforcing their waste management and recycling systems, to mitigate the environmental impact of plastic waste.

This initiative has set a precedent for future collaborations and stands as a testament to the power of international cooperation in tackling environmental challenges. As participants return to their respective countries, equipped with new knowledge and strategies, the impact of this program is expected to catalyse further actions towards reducing plastic pollution and advancing circular economy efforts, thereby contributing to a cleaner and more sustainable world.
