Who we are


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IETC's History: 

The mandate of IETC, as agreed in Decision 16/34 of UNEP Governing Council, is the transfer of environmentally sound technologies (EST) to developing countries and countries with economies in transition. This was reinforced by the GC’s adoption of the Bali Strategic Plan for Technology Support and Capacity-building in its 23rd Session in February 2005 and subsequent United Nations Environment Assembly’s resolutions on chemicals and waste.  


About IETC:

Waste has become a ubiquitous sight in our environment.PET bottles wash up on the shores of the most distant islands, plastic has been found in the deepest trenches of our oceans and grocery bags litter the slopes of the tallest mountains.
People routinely burn electronics to extract precious metals, without awareness of the impact it has on their health or the environment.

Given the growing amount, complexity, and visibility of waste, proper waste management is more crucial than ever. Individuals, cities, and nations all need to become more proactive and pursue a more holistic approach to waste. Such an approach begins with reduction, followed by reuse, and then recycling.

UNEP International Environmental Technology Centre in Osaka, together with the rest of UNEP, is working to change attitudes towards waste with the support and cooperation of its partners and International Advisory Board Members.
We must all start treating it as the valuable resource it is.
