

Global Environmental Centre Foundation (GEC)
GEC was established in 1992 with the aim of contributing to the conservation of the environment in developing nations and around the world. It utilizes Japan's conservation expertise to support UNEP IETC's initiatives in developing countries and promotes global environmental protection through international cooperation. Recently, GEC has been involved in various projects, including backing UNEP IETC's Chemical and Waste program, launching "UNEP Sustainability Action," introducing low-carbon technology in developing countries via the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM), supporting Japanese companies with eco-friendly technologies in overseas expansion, and providing international training.

IGES Centre Collaborating with UNEP on Environmental Technologies (CCET)
The IGES Centre Collaborating with UNEP on Environmental Technologies (CCET) was founded with the aim of also enhancing collaboration between IGES and the UN Environment, and the International Environmental Technology Centre. Accordingly, CCET works in collaboration with IETC in support of its work and expands its reach and delivery in a global society, including carrying out the organization’s mandate in promoting the application of environmentally sound technologies and improving waste management in developing countries and countries in transition. In this regard, CCET currently provides expertise to support the development of national, regional, and city waste management strategies and action plans with pilot demonstrations that can be replicated and up-scaled, develops knowledge products for assisting decision-making and implementation of waste management services, and engages professional communities and the wider public for enhancing network and outreach.