Toolkits, manuals and guides

Guidelines for Safe Closure and Rehabilitation of Municipal Solid Waste Dumpsites in Sri Lanka

Guidelines for Safe Closure and Rehabilitation of Municipal Solid Waste Dumpsites in Sri Lanka

This report on “Guidelines for Safe Closure and Rehabilitation of Municipal Solid Waste Dumpsites in Sri Lanka” has been close cooperation between the Ministry of Environment of Sri Lanka and UNEP through the IGES Centre Collaborating with UNEP on Environmental Technologies (CCET) and UNEP’s International Environmental Technology Centre (IETC).

Collectively, we recognize that proper procedure to close open dumping sites and proper management post-dumping phase is important not only to protect human health and the environment but also to avoid unforeseen pollution in the future after open dumping sites are closed. These guidelines provide technical knowledge and expertise on how to safely close and properly manage open dumping sites. The case studies in this report provide useful information for other countries that face similar challenges with open dumping sites. 
