Notifications are sent from the INC Secretariat by email from the address

⚪️ 04/03/2025

Invitation of Organizations to the second part of the fifth session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee on plastic pollution, including in the marine environment (INC-5.2)

⚪️ 04/03/2025

Invitation of Members of the Committee to the second part of the fifth session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee on plastic pollution, including in the marine environment (INC-5.2)

⚪️ 16/01/2025

Update on the adjournment of the fifth session of the INC

⚪️ 02/12/2024

Survey for the fifth session of the INC on plastic pollution

⚪️ 01/12/2024

Chair's Text

⚪️ 01/12/2024

Draft report of the intergovernmental negotiating committee to develop an international legally binding instrument on plastic pollution, including in the marine environment, on the work of its fifth session.

⚪️ 01/12/2024

Schedule of Work for 1 December 2024

⚪️ 30/11/2024

URGENT UPDATE: schedule of work for the evening of 30 November 2024

⚪️ 30/11/2024

Schedule of Work for 30 November 2024

⚪️ 29/11/2024

Non-Paper containing the draft text of the Chair of the Committee

⚪️ 29/11/2024

UPDATE: Schedule of work for 29 November 2024

⚪️ 29/11/2024

Schedule of Work for 29 November 2024

⚪️ 28/11/2024

URGENT schedule of work update for 28 November 2028

⚪️ 27/11/2024

Schedule of Work for 28 November 2024

⚪️ 26/11/2024

Preliminary schedule for 27 November 2024

⚪️ 25/11/2024

Seating arrangements in contact group rooms

⚪️ 25/11/2024

Preliminary schedule for 26 November 2024

⚪️ 21/11/2024

Notification of availability of Note by the Chair providing further detail relevant to the organization of work at INC-5.

⚪️ 19/11/2024

Invitation to a technical briefing on the Diplomatic Conference for the Adoption of the International Legally Binding Instrument on Plastic Pollution, Including in the Marine Environment, 24 November from 13:00-14:00, at BEXCO.

⚪️ 18/11/2024

REMINDER: Important information about health entry requirements into the Republic of Korea

⚪️ 14/11/2024

Invitation to an in-person conversation with Observers, 24 November from 15:00-16:00 at BEXCO.

⚪️ 13/11/2024

Notification on suspension of transmission of invitations on behalf of Members of the Committee

⚪️ 12/11/2024

Invitation to Observers to an informal webinar prior to INC-5

⚪️ 11/11/2024

Practical information on the fifth session of the INC, 25 Nov - 01 Dec in Busan, Republic of Korea

⚪️ 11/11/2024

Important information about health entry requirements into the Republic of Korea

⚪️ 30/10/2024

Notification of availability of the Chair's Non-Paper 3

⚪️ 18/10/2024

Notification of availability of documents for INC-5

⚪️ 17/09/2024

INC-5: Important information about visa application to the Republic of Korea

⚪️ 16/09/2024

Extension of deadline for registration for the informal in-person meeting of Heads of Delegation to the INC |30 September - 01 October 2024, Nairobi, Kenya

⚪️ 10/09/2024

REMINDER: Extended Deadline | Application for travel support for the fifth session of the INC | Busan, Republic of Korea | 25 November to 1 December 2024

⚪️ 26/08/2024

Extended Deadline  |   Application for travel support for the fifth session of the INC  |  Busan, Republic of Korea  |  25 November to 1 December 2024

⚪️ 22/08/2024

EG2: Revised Agenda with annotations and Co-chairs’ synthesis document now available

⚪️ 21/08/2024

Invitation to an informal online meeting of Heads of Delegation to the INC |16 September 2024, 14:00-16:00 EAT

⚪️ 19/08/2024

URGENT: Extension of deadline for application for travel support for the informal in-person meeting of Heads of Delegation to the INC |30 September - 01 October 2024, Nairobi, Kenya

⚪️ 15/08/2024

FINAL REMINDER: Invitation to an informal in-person meeting of Heads of Delegation to the INC |30 September - 01 October 2024, Nairobi, Kenya

⚪️ 12/08/2024

REMINDER: Invitation to an informal in-person meeting of Heads of Delegation to the INC  |  30 September - 01 October 2024, Nairobi, Kenya

⚪️ 06/08/2024

Invitation to an informal in-person meeting of Heads of Delegation to the INC  |  30 September - 01 October 2024, Nairobi, Kenya

⚪️ 12/08/2024

Important security notice regarding fraudulent emails

⚪️ 26/07/2024

Extention of questionnaire deadline for Expert Group 2

⚪️ 18/07/2024

Invitation of organizations to attend the fifth session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee to develop an international legally binding instrument on plastic pollution, including in the marine environment (INC-5)

⚪️ 18/07/2024

Invitation of Members of the Committee to attend the fifth session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee to develop an international legally binding instrument on plastic pollution, including in the marine environment (INC-5)

⚪️ 11/07/2024

Technical training on the use of the Interactio platform for the virtual meetings of the Ad Hoc Intersessional Open-ended Expert Groups

⚪️ 10/07/2024

Work programme and invitation to questionnaire for Expert Group 2 of the Ad Hoc Intersessional Open-ended Expert Groups

⚪️ 10/07/2024

Work programme for Expert Group 1 of the Ad Hoc Intersessional Open-ended Expert Groups

⚪️ 04/07/2024

Notification of availability | Compilation of draft text of the international legally binding instrument on plastic pollution, including in the marine environment

⚪️ 01/07/2024

Reminder: Final deadline for nominations of experts and for registrations for the in-person meetings of the ad hoc intersessional open-ended expert groups.

⚪️ 21/06/2024

Extended Deadline: Nominations of experts to the ad hoc intersessional open-ended expert groups

⚪️ 14/06/2024

REMINDER: Invitation for the nomination of experts to the ad hoc intersessional open-ended expert groups

⚪️ 06/06/2024

Invitation to communicate information on legal experts for the open-ended legal drafting group

⚪️ 30/05/2024

Invitation letter for the nomination of experts to the ad hoc intersessional open-ended expert groups

⚪️ 30/04/2024

Survey for the fourth session of the INC on plastic pollution

⚪️ 29/04/2024

In-session Documents Platform: upload ends after closing of session

⚪️ 28/04/2024

Invitation to a conversation with the Executive Secretary of the INC, 28 April at 15:00

⚪️ 25/04/2024

Information on the INC-4

⚪️ 24/04/2024

Provisional List of Participants of the fourth session of the INC

⚪️ 21/04/2024

Practical information on the fourth session of the INC, 23-29 April in Ottawa, Canada.

⚪️ 20/04/2024

Invitation to a conversation with observers

⚪️ 16/04/2024

Announcement of selected facilitators for the thematic side events to be held on the margins of INC- 4

⚪️ 11/04/2024

Invitation: Webinar on the logistics of INC- 4 and the Revised Draft Text of the legally binding instrument on plastic pollution, including in the marine environment

⚪️ 06/04/2024

Notification of the availability | Chair’s Scenario Note for the fourth session of the intergovernmental negotiating committee to develop an international legally binding instrument on plastic pollution, including in the marine environment

⚪️ 04/04/2024

Observer Room at INC-4

⚪️ 02/04/2024

INC-4 Important Update: New DSA System and Cards

⚪️ 02/04/2024

Notification of availability| Revised draft text of the international legally binding instrument on plastic pollution, including in the marine environment, available in the six UN official languages

⚪️ 27/03/2024

REMINDER: Information on the visa application for the fourth session of the INC | Ottawa, Canada | 23-29 April 2024

⚪️ 21/03/2024

Call for expressions of interest for observers to participate in informal webinar prior to INC-4

⚪️ 19/02/2024

Call for expression of interest to present in thematic side events on the margins of INC-4

⚪️ 17/02/2024

REMINDER: Information on the visa application for the fourth session of the INC | Ottawa, Canada | 23-29 April 2024

⚪️ 09/01/2024

[REMINDER] Final deadline for application for travel support for Members for the fourth session of the INC | Ottawa, Canada | 23 – 29 April 2024

⚪️ 28/12/2023

Advance copy of the Revised draft text of the international legally binding instrument on plastic pollution, including in the marine environment (UNEP/PP/INC.4/3)

⚪️ 04/12/2023

Extended Deadline | Application for travel support for Observers for the fourth session of the INC | Ottawa, Canada | 21 – 30 April 2024

⚪️ 04/12/2023

Extended Deadline | Application for travel support for Members for the fourth session of the INC | Ottawa, Canada | 21 – 30 April 2024

⚪️ 28/11/2023

Survey for the third session of the INC on plastic pollution

⚪️ 23/11/2023

Invitation to Member States for a conversation with Chair and the Executive Secretary of the INC on plastic pollution, on 1 December (17:45-19:00) at the margins of COP28

⚪️ 23/11/2023

[REMINDER] Invitation to the fourth session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee on plastic pollution, including in the marine environment

⚪️ 14/11/2023

Provisional list of participants of the third session of the INC

⚪️ 12/11/2023

URGENT Information about the opening of the third session of the INC by H.E. Dr. William Samoei Ruto, C.G.H., President of the Republic of Kenya

⚪️ 10/11/2023

Important information for the preparatory meeting and for INC-3

⚪️ 04/11/2023

Chair’s reflection note setting out the proposed approach and general expectations for the preparatory meeting and INC-3

⚪️ 03/11/2023

Important information for observers participating at INC-3

⚪️ 31/10/2023

Information on the issuance of secondary access cards for INC-3

⚪️ 28/10/2023

Announcement of selected co-organizers for the thematic side events to be held on the margins of INC-3

⚪️ 28/10/2023

Synthesis report on the submissions received on elements not discussed at the second session, such as principles and scope of the instrument

⚪️ 22/10/2023

Invitation of organizations to attend the fourth session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee to develop an international legally binding instrument on plastic pollution, including in the marine environment (INC-4)

⚪️ 22/10/2023

Invitation of countries to attend the fourth session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee to develop an international legally binding instrument on plastic pollution, including in the marine environment (INC-4)

⚪️ 05/10/2023

Information on the 12 thematic side-events at INC-3

⚪️ 01/10/2023

Zero draft text of the international legally binding instrument on plastic pollution, including in the marine environment available in the six UN official languages

⚪️ 22/08/2023

Call for expression of interest by observers to present their written submission during the technical webinars prior to INC-3

⚪️ 16/08/2023

Invitation to the technical webinars prior to INC-3

⚪️ 15/08/2023

Deadline Reminder| Application for travel support for the third session of the INC | Nairobi, Kenya | 13 – 19 November 2023

⚪️ 04/08/2023

Extended Deadline | Application for travel support for Observers for the third session of the INC | Nairobi, Kenya | 13 – 19 November 2023

⚪️ 14/07/2023

Invitation of organizations to attend the third session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee to develop an international legally binding instrument on plastic pollution, including in the marine environment (INC-3)

⚪️ 05/07/2023

Invitation of countries to attend the third session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee to develop an international legally binding instrument on plastic pollution, including in the marine environment (INC-3)

⚪️ 22/06/2023

Template for written submissions Prior to INC-3

⚪️ 08/06/2023

Invitation to provide written submissions

⚪️ 08/06/2023

Survey of the second session of the INC

⚪️ 28/05/2023

Guidance Note on Delivery of Statements

⚪️ 28/05/2023

UPDATE: Invitation to a conversation with Observers 

⚪️ 27/05/2023

Collection of Badges

⚪️ 26/05/2023

Note Verbale from Ukraine on their candidature for INC Bureau

⚪️ 26/05/2023

Updated arrangements for INC-2

⚪️ 25/05/2023

Note Verbal from the Permanent Mission of Romania to the United Nations Office in Nairobi (UNON)

⚪️ 22/05/2023

Invitation to a conversation with Observers

⚪️ 16/05/2023

Information on the issuance of secondary access cards for INC-2

⚪️ 15/05/2023

Invitation: Briefing on procedures for election to fill vacancies in the INC Bureau I Sunday, 28 May 2023 I 13:00-15:00 at UNESCO Headquarters, in Paris

⚪️ 10/05/2023

Announcement of selected co-organizers of the thematic side events to be held on the margins of INC-2

⚪️ 03/05/2023

URGENT - Registration details for upcoming technical webinars 1 and 2 | 4 May 2023, 15:00 - 17:30 EAT

⚪️ 28/04/2023

URGENT: Rescheduling of Webinar 1 | Technical briefing on the Potential Options for Elements document | NEW DATE: 4 May 2023, 15:00 - 16:00 EAT.

⚪️ 27/04/2023

Notification of the availability of the scenario note for INC-2

⚪️ 24/04/2023

Invitation to the technical webinars prior to INC-2

⚪️ 21/04/2023

REMINDER: Deadline for Registration - 28 April | INC – 2 | 29 May to 2 June 2023 | Paris, France

⚪️ 19/04/2023

URGENT REMINDER: Exceptional opening of the application portal to request travel support for the second session of the INC | Paris, France | 29 May to 2 June 2023

⚪️ 17/04/2023

URGENT: Exceptional opening of the application portal to request travel support for the second session of the INC | Paris, France | 29 May to 2 June 2023

⚪️ 07/04/2023

Application for travel support for non-governmental observers to the second session of the INC | Paris, France | 29 May to 2 June 2023

⚪️ 07/04/2023

Save the date for the technical webinars prior to INC-2

⚪️ 31/03/2023

Information on the visa application for the second session of the INC | Paris, France | 29 May to 2 June 2023

⚪️ 30/03/2023

Call for expression of interest to co-organize thematic side events on the margins of INC-2

⚪️ 28/03/2023

Reminder - FINAL Deadline | Application for travel support for the second session of the INC | Paris, France | 29 May to 2 June 2023

⚪️ 17/03/2023

Extended Deadline | Application for travel support for the second session of the INC | Paris, France | 29 May to 2 June 2023

⚪️ 21/02/2023

Invitation of organizations to attend the second session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee to develop an international legally binding instrument on plastic pollution, including in the marine environment (INC-2)

⚪️ 16/02/2023

Invitation of countries to attend the second session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee to develop an international legally binding instrument on plastic pollution, including in the marine environment (INC-2)

⚪️ 07/02/2023

Extension of deadline for written submissions from Members of the Committee

⚪️ 06/02/2023

Save the date for the second session of the intergovernmental negotiating committee (INC-2)

⚪️ 03/02/2023

[Reminder] Invitation for members of the INC to provide written submissions on the potential options for elements towards an international legally binding instrument

⚪️ 27/01/2023

Update: Invitation to stakeholders webinars on the written submissions received from stakeholders

⚪️ 27/01/2023

Written submission presentation by stakeholders during the webinars

⚪️ 20/01/2023

Invitation to a webinar on the written submissions received from stakeholders

⚪️ 6/01/2023

Extension of deadline for written submissions from stakeholders

⚪️ 16/12/2022

Template for written submissions - INC on plastic pollution

⚪️ 09/12/2022

Call for written submissions

⚪️ 22/11/2022

Information Note on Online Participation, Meeting Badges, and Secondary Access Cards

⚪️ 21/11/2022

Upcoming informal technical briefing on 27 November to support discussions at the first session of the intergovernmental negotiating committee to develop an international legally binding instrument on plastic pollution, including in the marine environment

⚪️ 28/10/2022

Deadline Extension for Registration to INC-1, Uruguay | 26 Nov - 2 Dec 2022]

⚪️ 25/10/2022

Invitation to informal technical briefings in preparation for INC-1

⚪️ 20/10/2022

INC-1 – Registration deadline – 31 October 2022

⚪️ 17/10/2022

[Deadline Extension: Travel Support] INC-1, Uruguay | 26 Nov - 2 Dec 2022

⚪️ 07/09/2022

Invitation letter to attend the first meeting of the intergovernmental negotiating committee to develop an international legally binding instrument on plastic pollution, including in the marine environment (INC-1)

⚪️ 05/07/2022

Appointment of Ms. Jyoti Mathur-Filipp as Executive Secretary of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee pursuant to resolution 5/14

Last updated: 04 Mar 2025, 11:17