In-session documents
Draft report of the intergovernmental negotiating committee to develop an international legally binding instrument on plastic pollution, including in the marine environment, on the work of its third session
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Draft decision on the draft provisional agenda of the fourth session of the intergovernmental negotiating committee to develop an international legally binding instrument on plastic pollution, including in the marine environment
Contact Groups
Contact Group 1
Co-facilitators’ summary of discussions
REV Co-facilitators’ updated full compilation of the revised zero draft text (19 November 2023, 14.55)
Co-facilitators' full compilation of possible mergers for Members' proposals (19 November 2023, 14.40)
Contact Group 2
Co-facilitators’ summary of discussions
Co-facilitators’ full compilation of the revised zero draft text (19 November 2023, 21.00)
Co-facilitators' full compilation of possible mergers for Members' proposals (19 November 2023, 20.20)
CG2 Financing Zero Draft Co-facilitators Streamlining (18 November 2023)
CG2 Implementation and Compliance Zero Draft Co-facilitators Streamlining (18 November 2023)
CG2 Reporting on Progress Zero Draft Co-facilitators Streamlining (18 November 2023)
CG2 Effectiveness Evaluation Zero Draft Co-facilitators Streamlining (18 November 2023)
CG2 NAPS Zero Draft Co-facilitators Streamlining (18 November 2023)
CG2 Cooperation and Stakeholder Engagement Zero Draft Co-facilitators Streamlining (18 November 2023)
CG2 Capacity Building Zero Draft Co-facilitators Streamlining (18 November 2023)
Co-facilitators’ compilation of revised draft text proposed for financing (17 November 2023, 19.00)
REV Co-facilitators’ compilation of revised draft text proposed for Part IV, 1. National Plans (18 November 2023, 16.00)
REV Co-facilitators’ compilation of revised draft text proposed for Part IV. 2. Implementation and compliance (18 November 2023, 17.45)
REV Co-facilitators’ compilation of revised draft text proposed for Part IV. 3. Reporting on Progress (18 November 2023, 17.15)
REV Periodic assessment and monitoring of the progress of implementation of the instrument* and effectiveness evaluation (17 November 2023, 00.00)
REV Co-facilitators’ compilation of revised zero draft text, Part IV, 5-8 (18 November 2023, 17.10)
REV Co-facilitators' compilation of revised zero draft text for capacity building, technical assistance, and technology transfer (18 November 2023, 15.00)
Contact Group 3
Co-facilitators’ summary of discussions
Co-Facilitators' Proposal for Intersessional Work
Outcome regarding Part I, Part V and Part VI of the zero-draft text of the international legally binding instrument on plastic pollution, including in the marine environment (19 November 2023, 05.54)
Co-facilitators’ proposals regarding Part I, Part V and Part VI of the zero-draft text of the international legally binding instrument on plastic pollution, including in the marine environment (18 November 2023, 12.30)
Co-facilitators’ proposals regarding Part I, Part V and Part VI of the zero draft text (17 November 2023, 10.54)
Compilation of written submissions on elements addressed in the synthesis report (18 November 2023, 11.30)
Preliminary list of proposed areas for intersessional work identified during discussions of contact groups 1 and 2 (17 November 2023)
Guiding questions for contact group 3: preamble, definitions, principles, and scope (14 November 2023)
Guiding questions for contact group 3: institutional arrangements and final provisions (15 November 2023)
Guiding questions for contact group 3: Intersessional Work (15 November 2023)
In-session submissions from Members
13/11/2023 | Bangladesh | Downstream underdeveloped countries need special attention to manage cumulative plastic load and protect adjacent marine environment
14/11/2023 | Africa Group, Chile, the Cook Islands, Dominica, Ecuador, the Federated States of Micronesia, Grenada, Nauru and Panama | Means of Implementation
14/11/2023 | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Brazil | Report of the country led informal technical dialogue on chemicals and polymers of concern and problematic plastic products
14/11/2023 | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland | Preamble
14/11/2023 | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland | Working Definitions
14/11/2023 | Egypt | Objective and Primary Plastic Polymers
14/11/2023 | Japan | Financing
14/11/2023 | Viet Nam | Objectives
14/11/2023 | United States of America | Financing
14/11/2023 | Pacific Small Island Developing States | Financing
14/11/2023 | Brazil | Objective
14/11/2023 | European Union | Objective
14/11/2023 | Niger | Objective
14/11/2023 | Japan | Objective
15/11/2023 | Palau | Objective
15/11/2023 | Japan | Primary Plastic Polymers
15/11/2023 | Cuba | Primary Plastic Polymers
15/11/2023 | Chile | Primary Plastic Polymers
15/11/2023 | Costa Rica | Primary Plastic Polymers
15/11/20223 | Costa Rica | Preamble, Definitions, Principles and Scope
15/11/2023 | Ghana | Financing Mechanism
15/11/2023 | India | Primary Plastic Polymers
15/11/2023 | India | Objective
15/11/2023 | India | Financing
15/11/2023 | India | Preamble, Definitions, Principles and Scope
15/11/2023 | Indonesia | Objective and Primary Plastic Polymers
15/11/2023 | Indonesia | Financing
15/11/2023 | Indonesia | Preamble, Principles and Scope
15/11/2023 | Jordan | Definitions
15/11/2023 | Malaysia | Primary Plastic Polymers
15/11/2023 | Malaysia | Financing
15/11/2023 | Norway | Objectives
15/11/2023 | Norway | Primary Plastic Production
15/11/2023 | Uganda | Primary Plastic Polymers
15/11/2023 | Türkiye | Preamble, Scope, and Definitions
15/11/2023 | Thailand | Mean of Implementation (Financial mechanism)
15/11/2023 | Thailand | Synthesis Report
15/11/2023 | Thailand | Primary Plastic polymers
15/11/2023 | Thailand | Objective
15/11/2023 | Russian Federation | Preamble, Definitions and Scope
15/11/2023 | Pacific Small Island Developing States | Objectives
15/11/2023 | Niger | Renforcement des capacités, assistance technique et transfert de technologies
15/11/2023 | Japan | Definition: “Plastic Pollution”
15/11/2023 | Samoa on behalf of the Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS) | Preamble, Definitions, Principles, and Scope
15/11/2023 | Brazil | Definitions
15/11/2023 | Brazil | Institutional Arrangements
15/11/2023 | Brazil | Preamble
15/11/2023 | Brazil | Principles
15/11/2023 | Cameroon | Capacity Building, Technical Assistance, and Technology Transfer
15/11/2023 | Chile | Scope, Principles and Preamble
15/11/2023 | China | Financing
15/11/2023 | China | Objective
15/11/2023 | China | Primary Plastic Production
15/11/2023 | Colombia | Objective
15/11/2023 | Costa Rica | National Plans
15/11/2023 | Costa Rica | Capacity Building, Technical Assistance, and Technology Transfer
15/11/2023 | Chile | Objective
15/11/2023 | European Union | Capacity Building, Technical Assistance, and Technology Transfer
15/11/2023 | European Union | Financing
15/11/2023 | European Union | National Plans
15/11/2023 | Colombia on behalf of Latin American and Caribbean Group (GRULAC) | Preamble and Principle
15/11/2023 | Iran | Scope, Principles, definitions and Preamble
15/11/2023 | Jamaica | Financing
15/11/2023 | Jamaica | Preamble and Principles
15/11/2023 | Japan | Capacity Building, Technical Assistance and Technology Transfer
15/11/2023 | Kenya | Preamble, Definitions, Principles, and Scope
15/11/2023 | Mexico | Preamble, Definitions, Principles, and Scope
15/11/2023 | Morocco | Financing, Capacity Building, Technical Assistance and Technology Transfer, National Plan
15/11/2023 | Nepal | National Plan
15/11/2023 | Norway | Financing
15/11/2023 | Pakistan | Capacity Building, Technical Assistance and Technology Transfer
15/11/2023 | Pakistan | Financing
15/11/2023 | Pakistan | National Plans
15/11/2023 | Pakistan | Objective
15/11/2023 | Pakistan | Primary Plastic Polymers
15/11/2023 | Philippines | Financing
15/11/2023 | Russian Federation | Institutional Arrangement
15/11/2023 | Russian Federation | Objective and Primary Plastic Polymers
15/11/2023 | Sri Lanka | Financing
15/11/2023 | Brazil | Implementation and Compliance
15/11/2023 | Brazil | National Plans
15/11/2023 | Chile | National Plans
15/11/2023 | Costa Rica | Financing
15/11/2023 | European Union | Implementation and Compliance
15/11/2023 | Sri Lanka | Chemicals and Polymers of Concern
15/11/2023 | United States of America | Final Provisions
15/11/2023 | United States of America | Institutional Arrangements
15/11/2023 | United States of America | Exemptions
15/11/2023 | Viet Nam | Preamble
15/11/2023 | Brazil | Exemptions
15/11/2023 | Brazil | Reporting on Progress
15/11/2023 | Cameroon | Chemicals and Polymers of Concern
15/11/2023 | Cameroon | Primary Plastic Polymers
15/11/2023 | Costa Rica | International Cooperation
15/11/2023 | Cuba | Chemicals and Polymers of Concern
15/11/2023 | Egypt | Chemicals and Polymers of Concern
15/11/2023 | European Union | Periodic assessment and monitoring of the progress of implementation of the instrument* and effectiveness evaluation
15/11/2023 | European Union | Preamble, Definitions, Principles and Scope
15/11/2023 | India | Governing Body and Subsidiary Body
15/11/2023 | Jordan | Financing, Capacity Building, Technical Assistance and Technology Transfer
15/11/2023 | New Zealand | Chemicals and Polymers of Concern
15/11/2023 | Costa Rica | Problematic and avoidable plastic products, including shortlived and single-use plastic products
15/11/2023 | European Union | Awareness Raising, Education and Research
15/11/2023 | European Union | International Cooperation
15/11/2023 | European Union | Stakeholder Engagement
15/11/2023 | Japan | Chemicals and Polymers of Concern
15/11/2023 | Japan | Problematic and avoidable plastic products, including shortlived and single-use plastic products
15/11/2023 | Kenya | Institutional Arrangement
15/11/2023 | Kenya | Chemicals and Polymers of Concern
15/11/2023 | Kenya | Problematic and avoidable plastic products, including shortlived and single-use plastic products
15/11/2023 | Palau | Problematic and avoidable plastic products, including shortlived and single-use plastic products
15/11/2023 | Samoa on behalf of the Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS) | Institutional Arrangements (Governing Body, Subsidiary Bodies, and Secretariat)
15/11/2023 | Brazil | Alternative Plastics and Plastic Products
15/11/2023 | Brazil | Non Plastic Substitutes
15/11/2023 | Brazil | Product Design
15/11/2023 | Brazil | Use of Recycled Plastic Content
15/11/2023 | Egypt | Problematic and avoidable plastic products, including short-lived and single-use plastic products
15/11/2023 | India | Chemicals and Polymers of Concern and Problematic and avoidable plastic products, including shortlived and single-use plastic products and intentionally added microplastics
15/11/2023 | Jamaica | Reporting on Progress
15/11/2023 | Jamaica | Effectiveness Evaluation, International Cooperation, Information Exchange, Awareness-raising, Education and Research, Stakeholder Engagement
15/11/2023 | Norway | New Provision on Dedicated Programmes of Work
15/11/2023 | Thailand | Thailand’s inputs on the zero draft text
15/11/2023 | Argentina | Objective
15/11/2023 | Brazil | Effectiveness Evaluation
15/11/2023 | China | Implementation and Compliance
15/11/2023 | China | National Plans
15/11/2023 | China | Periodic Assessment and Monitoring of the Progress of Implementation of the Instrument* and Effectiveness Evaluation
15/11/2023 | China | Reporting on Progress
15/11/2023 | Cook Islands | Preamble, Objective, Definitions, Principles, Scope
15/11/2023 | European Union | Part 1 and 2 of the Zero Draft
15/11/2023 | New Zealand | Problematic and avoidable plastic products and intentionally added microplastics – problematic and avoidable plastic products, including short-lived and single-use plastic products
15/11/2023 | Pacific Small Island Developing States (PSIDS) | Chemicals and Polymers of Concern
15/11/2023 | Pacific Small Island Developing States (PSIDS) | Primary Plastic Polymers
15/11/2023 | Thailand | Hazardous Chemicals of Concern, Problematic and Avoidable Plastic Products, Exemptions, Product Design, Composition and Performance, and Non-Plastic Substitutes
15/11/2023 | Thailand | Capacity Building, Technical Assistance and Technology Transfer, National Plans and International Cooperation
15/11/2023 | Thailand | Institutional Arrangement
15/11/2023 | Brazil | International Cooperation
15/11/2023 | Costa Rica | Product Design, Composition and Performance, and Non-Plastic Substitutes
15/11/2023 | Mexico | Objective, Primary Plastic Polymers, Chemicals and Polymers of Concern, Exemptions, and Non-Plastic Substitutes
15/11/2023 | Mexico | Institutional Arrangement
15/11/2023 | Pakistan | Problematic and avoidable plastic products, including short-lived and single-use plastic products
15/11/2023 | Pakistan | Product Design, Composition and Performance and Non-Plastic Substitutes
15/11/2023 | Pacific Small Island Developing States (PSIDS) | Problematic and avoidable plastic products, including short-lived and single-use plastic products and intentionally added microplastics and Exemptions
15/11/2023 | Pacific Small Island Developing States (PSIDS) | Product Design and Performance and Non Plastic Substitutes
15/11/2023 | United Kingdom | Institutional Arrangements and Final Provisions
15/11/2023 | United Kingdom | UK Proposal for Changes to Article 10b
15/11/2023 | United Kingdom | UK Proposal for Changes to Article 5d & 6
15/11/2023 | Samoa on behalf of the Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS) | Statements and Textual Proposals on Zero Draft
15/11/2023 | Brazil | Awareness Rising, Education, and Research
15/11/2023 | Brazil | Information Exchange
15/11/2023 | Japan | Non-Plastic Substitutes
15/11/2023 | Japan | Product Design, Composition and Performance
15/11/2023 | Kenya | Product Design, Composition and Performance
15/11/2023 | Norway | Institutional Arrangements
15/11/2023 | Norway | Preamble, Definitions, Principle and Scope
15/11/2023 | Pacific Small Island Developing States (PSIDS) | Capacity Building, Technical Assistance and Technology Transfer
15/11/2023 | Republic of Korea | Product Design, Composition, and Performance and Non-Plastic Substitutes
15/11/2023 | Malaysia | Capacity Building, Technical Assistance, and Technology Transfer, National Action Plans, and Implementation and Compliance
15/11/2023 | New Zealand | Product Design, Composition and Performance and Provisions Common
15/11/2023 | New Zealand | Reduce, Reuse, Refill and Repair of Plastics and Plastic Products
15/11/2023 | New Zealand | Alternative Plastics and Plastic Products
15/11/2023 | New Zealand | Non Plastic Substitutes
15/11/2023 | Norway | Preamble, Principles, Scope and Definitions, Institutional Arrangements
15/11/2023 | Panama | Scope, Preamble, Definitions and Principles
15/11/2023 | Russian Federation | Chemicals and Polymers of Concern, Problematic Plastic Products. Avoidable Plastic Products, Intentionally Added Microplastics and Exemptions
15/11/2023 | Singapore | Preamble, Definitions, Scope and Principles
15/11/2023 | Cuba | National Plans, Implementation and Compliance, Reporting on Progress, International Cooperation, Information Exchange and Stakeholder Engagement
15/11/2023 | Japan | Definitions, Principles, Governing Body, and Subsidiary Body
15/11/2023 | Pacific Small Island Developing States (PSIDS) | Emissions and Releases of Plastic Throughout its Life Cycle
15/11/2023 | Pacific Small Island Developing States (PSIDS) | Existing Plastic Pollution, including in the Marine Environment
15/11/2023 | Pacific Small Island Developing States (PSIDS) | Implementation and Compliance
15/11/2023 | Pacific Small Island Developing States (PSIDS) | Just Transition
15/11/2023 | Pacific Small Island Developing States (PSIDS) | National Plans
15/11/2023 | Pacific Small Island Developing States (PSIDS) | Reporting on Progress
15/11/2023 | Russian Federation | Compliance, Reporting, National Plans, Capacity Building, Technical Assistance and Technology Transfer
15/11/2023 | Africa | Objective, Primary Plastic Polymers, Chemicals and Polymers of Concern, Problematic and Avoidable Plastic Products, Exemption, and Extended Producer Responsibility
15/11/2023 | Africa | Preamble, Definitions, Principles and Scope, Institutional Arrangements
15/11/2023 | Antigua and Barbuda | Chemicals and Polymers of Concern
15/11/2023 | Antigua and Barbuda | Emissions and Releases
15/11/2023 | Antigua and Barbuda | Objective
15/11/2023 | Antigua and Barbuda | Primary Plastic Production
15/11/2023 | Antigua and Barbuda | Waste Management
15/11/2023 | Australia | Objective
15/11/2023 | Canada | Compliance Mechanism
15/11/2023 | Canada | Capacity Building, Technical Assistance and Technological Transfer, and Compliance Mechanism
15/11/2023 | Egypt | Definitions
15/11/2023 | Egypt | Extended Producer Responsibilities
15/11/2023 | Egypt | Trade in listed chemicals, Polymers, and Products in Plastic Waste
15/11/2023 | Pakistan | Chemicals and Polymers of Concern
15/11/2023 | Algeria | Proposal on the Zero Draft
15/11/2023 | Brazil | Emissions and releases of plastic throughout its life cycle
15/11/2023 | Brazil | Extended Producer Responsibility
15/11/2023 | Brazil | Existing Plastic Pollution
15/11/2023 | Brazil | Just Transition
15/11/2023 | Brazil | Trade
15/11/2023 | Brazil | Transparency, Tracking, Monitoring and Labelling
15/11/2023 | Brazil | Waste Management
15/11/2023 | Cameroon | Financing
15/11/2023 | European Union | Reporting on Progress
15/11/2023 | Monaco | Problematic and avoidable plastic products, including short-lived and single-use plastic products and intentionally added microplastics
15/11/2023 | Monaco | Primary Plastic Polymers
15/11/2023 | Monaco | Objective
15/11/2023 | Monaco | Extended Producer Responsibility
15/11/2023 | Monaco | Existing plastic pollution, including marine environment
15/11/2023 | Monaco | Chemicals and Polymers of Concern
15/11/2023 | Monaco | Waste management
15/11/2023 | Monaco | Product Design, Composition and Performance
16/11/2023 | Africa | Financing, Capacity Building, Technical Assistance, National Plans, Implementation and Compliance
16/11/2023 | Samoa on behalf of the Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS) | Financing, Capacity Building, Technical Assistance, National Plans, Implementation and Compliance, Reporting on Progress, Effectiveness Evaluation, Chemicals and Polymers of Concern, Microplastics and Problematic and Avoidable Products, Information Exchange, Stakeholder Engagement
16/11/2023 | Egypt | Means of Implementation
16/11/2023 | Gabon | Transparency, Tracking, Monitoring and Labelling
16/11/2023 | Gulf Cooperation Council | Contact Group One Provisions
16/11/2023 | Gulf Cooperation Council | Contact Group Two Provisions
16/11/2023 | Gulf Cooperation Council | Contact Group Three Provisions
16/11/2023 | Latin American and Caribbean Group (GRULAC) | Financial Mechanism
16/11/2023 | Latin American and Caribbean Group (GRULAC) | Just Transition
16/11/2023 | Latin American and Caribbean Group (GRULAC) | Institutional Arrangements (Subsidiary Bodies)
16/11/2023 | India | Chemicals and Polymers of Concern
16/11/2023 | India | Financing
16/11/2023 | India | National Plans
16/11/2023 | India | Objective
16/11/2023 | India | Primary Plastic Polymers
16/11/2023 | India | Implementation and Compliance
16/11/2023 | India | Reporting on Progress
16/11/2023 | India | Problematic and avoidable plastic products including short-lived and single-use plastic products
16/11/2023 | India | Intentionally Added Microplastics
16/11/2023 | India | Effectiveness Evaluation
16/11/2023 | India | Product Design and Performance
16/11/2023 | Japan | Core Obligations
16/11/2023 | Morocco | Objectives
16/11/2023 | New Zealand | Effectiveness Evaluation
16/11/2023 | New Zealand | Just Transition
16/11/2023 | New Zealand | Information Exchange
16/11/2023 | New Zealand | Extended Producer Responsibility
16/11/2023 | New Zealand | Emissions
16/11/2023 | New Zealand | Existing Plastic Pollution, including in the Marine Environment
16/11/2023 | New Zealand | Awareness Raising, Education and Research
16/11/2023 | New Zealand | Stakeholder Engagement
16/11/2023 | Norway | Transparency, Tracking, Monitoring and Labelling
16/11/2023 | Pakistan | Emissions and releases of plastic throughout its life cycle, Waste management, trade, just transition, labelling
16/11/2023 | Pakistan | Extended Producer Responsibility
16/11/2023 | Pakistan | Implementation and Compliance, Reporting on Progress, International Cooperation
16/11/2023 | Pacific Small Island Developing States (PSIDS) | Transparency, Tracking, Monitoring and Labelling
16/11/2023 | Pacific Small Island Developing States (PSIDS) | Awareness Raising, Education and Research
16/11/2023 | Pacific Small Island Developing States (PSIDS) | International cooperation
16/11/2023 | Pacific Small Island Developing States (PSIDS) | Periodic assessment and monitoring of the progress of implementation of the instrument and effectiveness evaluation
16/11/2023 | Pacific Small Island Developing States (PSIDS) | Stakeholder Engagement
16/11/2023 | Pacific Small Island Developing States (PSIDS) | Extended Producer Responsibility
16/11/2023 | Pacific Small Island Developing States (PSIDS) | Waste Management
16/11/2023 | Pacific Small Island Developing States (PSIDS) | Fishing Gear
16/11/2023 | Pacific Small Island Developing States (PSIDS) | Information Exchange
16/11/2023 | Republic of Korea | Contact Group Two Proposals
16/11/2023 | Russian Federation | Financial Mechanism
16/11/2023 | Russian Federation | Provisions on the Zero Draft
16/11/2023 | Russian Federation | Elements of Part III and Part IV of Zero Draft
16/11/2023 | South Africa | Contact Group One and Three Proposals
16/11/2023 | Switzerland | Contact Group One Proposals
16/11/2023 | Switzerland | Contact Group Two Proposals
16/11/2023 | Switzerland | Contact Group Three Proposals
16/11/2023 | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland | Emissions and Releases of Plastic throughout its Life Cycle, and Waste Management
16/11/2023 | United States of America | Contact Group Two Proposals
16/11/2023 | Viet Nam | Principle
16/11/2023 | Malaysia | Contact Group One Proposals
16/11/2023 | Africa Group | Elements not discussed at INC3
16/11/2023 | Argentina | Definitions
16/11/2023 | Africa Group | Contact Group One Proposals
16/11/2023 | Bangladesh | Contact Group Two Proposals
16/11/2023 | Argentina | Elements of Part III and Part IV of Zero Draft
16/11/2023 | Bangladesh | Contact Group One Proposals
16/11/2023 | Bangladesh | Contact Group 3 proposals
16/11/2023 | Brazil | Capacity Building, Technical Assistance, and Technology Transfer
16/11/2023 | Cameroon | Emissions and releases of plastic throughout its life cycle
16/11/2023 | Cameroon | Extended producer responsibility
16/11/2023 | Bangladesh | Elements of Part III
16/11/2023 | Canada | Trade in listed chemicals, polymers and products, and in plastic waste
16/11/2023 | Chile | Subsidiary bodies
16/11/2023 | Russian Federation | Financing, Capacity Building, Technology Transfer and Technical Assistance, National Plans, Implementation and Compliance, Reporting on Progress, and Effectiveness Evaluation
16/11/2023 | China | Extended Producer Responsibility, Emission Relases, and Waste Management
16/11/2023 | China | Principles of the instrument
16/11/2023 | China | Scope
16/11/2023 | China | Chemicals and Polymers of Concerns, Problematic and Avoidable Plastic Products, Emissions and Releases of Plastic Waste and Microplastics, Waste Management, and Fishing Gear
16/11/2023 | Cook Islands Government | Elements of Part II -Item 10 of Zero Draft
16/11/2023 | Cook Islands Government | Elements of Part II -Item 9 of Zero Draft
16/11/2023 | Costa Rica | Intersessional Work
16/11/2023 | Costa Rica | Waste Management
16/11/2023 | Costa Rica | Existing plastic pollution, including in the marine environment
16/11/2023 | Cuba | Intersessional Work
16/11/2023 | Cuba | Elements of Part II and Part IV 5 to 13
16/11/2023 | Ghana | Intersessional Work on Financing
16/11/2023 | Ghana | Financing
16/11/2023 | Guatemala | Contact Group One Part I and II on the Zero Draft
16/11/2023 | Guatemala | Contact Group Two Proposals
16/11/2023 | Sri Lanka | Governing Bodies and Subsidiary Bodies
16/11/2023 | Turkiye | Information Exchange
15/11/2023 | Turkiye | Product Design and Performance
15/11/2023 | United States of America | Contact Group One - Part I.2 and Part II.1-13 of the Zero-Draft
15/11/2023 | Egypt | Objective
16/11/2023 | European Union and its MS | Proposal intersessional work on design and performance criteria
16/11/2023 | Guatemala | Scope, Definitions
16/11/2023 | Guatemala | Part 1 and Part 2 of Zero Draft
16/11/2023 | India | Non plastic substitutes
16/11/2023 | India | Extended Producer Responsibility
16/11/2023 | India | Waste Management
16/11/2023 | India | Subsidiary Bodies, Final provisions
16/11/2023 | India | Emission and releases of plastic throughout its life cycle
16/11/2023 | India | Trade in listed chemicals, polymers and products, and in plastic waste
16/11/2023 | India | Existing plastic pollution, including in marine environment
16/11/2023 | India | Just transition
16/11/2023 | India | Emissions and releases of plastic throughout its lifecycle, Waste Management, Trade in listed chemicals, polymers and products and in plastic waste
16/11/2023 | India | Extended Producer Responsibility
16/11/2023 | India | Existing plastic pollution, including in marine environment, Just Transition
16/11/2023 | India | Transparency, Tracking, Monitoring and Labelling
16/11/2023 | Iran | Extended Producer Responsibility
16/11/2023 | Iran | Final provisions
16/11/2023 | Iran | Institutional Arrangements
16/11/2023 | Iran | Existing plastic pollution, just transition and transparency, tracking, monitoring and labelling
16/11/2023 | Jamaica | Articles 8, 9 and 10(b) of the Zero Draft
16/11/2023 | Jamaica | Extended Producer Responsibility
16/11/2023 | Monaco | Extended Producer Responsibility
16/11/2023 | New Zealand | Waste Management Option 1
16/11/2023 | New Zealand | Waste Management Option 2
16/11/2023 | New Zealand | Waste Management Provisions Common
16/11/2023 | New Zealand | Transparency, tracking, monitoring and labelling
16/11/2023 | Philippines | Objective
16/11/2023 | Philippines | Primary Plastic Polymers
16/11/2023 | Philippines | Chemicals and polymers of concern
16/11/2023 | Philippines | Product design, composition, and performance
16/11/2023 | Philippines | Part 2 Sections 3a and 3b and Section 4
16/11/2023 | Philippines | Capacity-Building, Technical Assistance, and Technology Transfer, National Plans, Implementation and compliance, Reporting on progress, Capacity-Building, Technical Assistance, and Technology Transfer, Information exchange
16/11/2023 | Philippines | Preamble, Principles, Scope
16/11/2023 | Proposal from 62 members | Financial Resources and Mechanisms
16/11/2023 | Pacific Small Island Developing States | Trade in listed chemicals, polymers and products
16/11/2023 | Russian Federation | Institutional Arrangements
16/11/2023 | Russian Federation | Part 2 Articles 11,12,13 of Zero Draft
16/11/2023 | Russian Federation | Waste Management
16/11/2023 | Russian Federation | Part 2 Article 10 of Zero Draft
16/11/2023 | Russian Federation | Part 2 Article 8 of Zero Draft
16/11/2023 | Iran | Financing
16/11/2023 | Kenya | Extended Producer Responsibility
16/11/2023 | Kenya | Kenya’s response to Part II section 8, 9,10
16/11/2023 | Kenya | Kenya’s submission on Part II Section 11, 12 and 13
16/11/2023 | Philippines | Capacity Building, Technical Assistance, and Technology Transfer, National Plans, Implementation and Compliance, Reporting on Progress, and Information Exchange
16/11/2023 | Argentina | Principles
16/11/2023 | China | Chemicals and polymers of concern, and Problematic and avoidable plastic products, including shortlived and single-use plastic products
16/11/2023 | China | Product Design, Composition and Performance
16/11/2023 | India | Exemptions available to party upon request
16/11/2023 | Latin American and Caribbean Group (GRULAC) | Just Transition
16/11/2023 | Mauritius | Capacity, building, technical assistance and technology transfer
16/11/2023 | Mauritius | Emission and Releases of Plastic and Waste Management
16/11/2023 | Mauritius | Extended Producer Responsibility
16/11/2023 | Mauritius | Financial Mechanism
16/11/2023 | Nepal | Preamble, Objectives
16/11/2023 | Nepal | Written Statement
16/11/2023 | Norway | Extended producer responsibility
16/11/2023 | Panama | Contact Group One Proposals
16/11/2023 | Qatar | Preamble, Definitions, Principles and Scope
16/11/2023 | Republic of Korea | Preamble, Principles, Definitions, Scopes and Institutional Arrangements
16/11/2023 | Rwanda | Intersessional Work
16/11/2023 | Rwanda | Capacity Building, National Plan, Implementation and Compliance, Reporting
16/11/2023 | Rwanda | Primary Plastics Polymers
16/11/2023 | Rwanda | Means of Implementation
16/11/2023 | Sri Lanka | Waste Management
16/11/2023 | Sri Lanka | Existing plastic pollution, including in the marine environment
16/11/2023 | Sri Lanka | Problematic and avoidable plastic products, including short-lived and single-use plastic products and intentionally added microplastics
16/11/2023 | Sri Lanka | Extended Producer Responsibility
16/11/2023 | Sri Lanka | Emissions and releases of plastic throughout its life cycle
16/11/2023 | Tunisia | Emissions and releases of plastic throughout its life cycle
16/11/2023 | Tunisia | Extended Producer Responsibility
16/11/2023 | Tunisia | Implementation and Compliance
16/11/2023 | Türkiye | Emissions and releases of plastic throughout its life cycle, Waste Management
16/11/2023 | Türkiye | Product design, composition and performance and sub-items
16/11/2023 | Türkiye | Financing, Capacity Building, Technical Assistance and Technology Transfer
16/11/2023 | Türkiye | National Plans, Implementation and compliance, Reporting on progress
16/11/2023 | Uganda | Extended Producer Responsibility
16/11/2023 | Uruguay | Proposals on the Zero Draft
17/11/2023 | Philippines | Trade in listed chemicals, polymers and products, and in plastic waste, Existing plastic pollution, including in the marine environment, Just transition and Transparency, tracking, monitoring and labelling
17/11/2023 | Philippines | Non-plastic substitutes, Extended producer responsibility, Emissions and releases of plastic throughout its life cycle, and Waste management
17/11/2023 | Kenya | Capacity Building, technology transfer and technical Assistance, National Plans, and International Cooperation
17/11/2023 | Iran | Periodic assessment and monitoring of the progress of implementation of the instrument* progress assessment
17/11/2023 | Iran | Institutional Arrangements
17/11/2023 | Iran | Compliance
17/11/2023 | Iran | Part 1 and 2 proposals on the zero draft
17/11/2023 | Indonesia | Institutional Arrangements
17/11/2023 | India | Transparency, tracking, monitoring and labelling
17/11/2023 | Latin American and Caribbean Group (GRULAC) | Intersessional Work
17/11/2023 | Gabon | Contact Group Three Proposals
17/11/2023 | European Union | Preamble, Definitions, Principles, Scope and Institutional Arrangements
17/11/2023 | Costa Rica | Preamble
17/11/2023 | Chile | Intersessional Work
17/11/2023 | Africa | African Region Position on Elements addressed in the synthesis report
17/11/2023 | Cook Islands | Intersessional Work
17/11/2023 | Dominica | Objective
17/11/2023 | Indonesia | Intersessional Work
17/11/2023 | Iran | Definitions
17/11/2023 | Iran | Exemptions
17/11/2023 | Iran | Primary Plastics Polymer
17/11/2023 | Japan | Financing
17/11/2023 | Join Statement by Panama, Costa Rica, Colombia, Chile, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru, Antigua & Barbuda, Dominican Republic, Trinidad & Tobago, Paraguay, Guatemala, Uruguay and Jamaica | Fishing Gear
17/11/2023 | Jordan | Objective
17/11/2023 | Jordan | Preamble
17/11/2023 | Malaysia | Intersessional Work
17/11/2023 | Monaco | Intersessional Work
17/11/2023 | Pacific Small Island Developing States (PSIDS) | Exemptions available to a Party upon request
17//11/2023 | Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS) | Reporting on progress and Exchange of information
17/11/2023 | Switzerland | Intersessional Work
17/11/2023 | Thailand | Core obligation of Part II
17/11/2023 | Türkiye | Trade of polymers and chemicals and transboundary movements of Wastes
17/11/2023 | United States of America | Information Exchange, and Awareness Raising, Education and Research
17/11/2023 | Viet Nam | Financing
18/11/2023 | United States of America | Intersessional Work: Extended Producer Responsibility
18/11/2023 | United States of America | Intersessional Work: Mapping the Finance Landscape
18/11/2023 | United States of America | Intersessional Work: Plastic Polymers, Chemicals, and Products
18/11/2023 | Brazil | International cooperation, Information exchange, and Awareness-raising, education and research
18/11/2023 | Indonesia | Part III: CBTA and Part IV: Stakeholder Engagement
18/11/2023 | Africa Group | Contact Group One Submissions
18/11/2023 | Africa Group | African Group position on Intersessional Work from all Contact Groups (One, Two and Three)
18/11/2023 | Argentina | Just Transition
18/11/2023 | Brazil on behalf of 20 GRULAC Countries | Intersessional Work
18/11/2023 | Cook Islands | Part II Article 10 of the Zero Draft
18/11/2023 | Cook Islands | Intersessional Work: Primary Plastic Polymers, Chemicals and Polymers of Concern, Means of Implementation
18/11/2023 | Fiji | Intersessional Work: Contact Groups One and Two
18/11/2023 | Fiji | Preamble, Definitions, Principles, Scope
18/11/2023 | Fiji | Intersessional Work
18/11/2023 | Kenya | Co-facilitators summary under the Secretariat section
18/11/2023 | Kenya | Extended Producer Responsibility
18/11/2023 | Kenya | Co-facilitators Merger Report: Microplastics
18/11/2023 | Malaysia | Definitions
18/11/2023 | Malaysia | Implementation and Compliance
18/11/2023 | Malaysia | Institutional Arrangements
18/11/2023 | Malaysia | Problematic and avoidable plastic products, including short-lived and single-use plastic products and intentionally-added microplastics, Exemptions available to a Party upon request
18/11/2023 | Malaysia | Exemptions available to a Party upon request, Product design, composition and performance
18/11/2023 | Monaco | Intersessional Work
18/11/2023 | Republic of Korea | Part II provisions 9b and 11 of the Zero Draft
18/11/2023 | Tuvalu and behalf of Pacific Small Island Developing States (PSIDS) | Emissions and releases of plastic throughout its life cycle
18/11/2023 | Pacific Small Island Developing States (PSIDS) | Implementation and Compliance, International cooperation, and Information Exchange
18/11/2023 | Malaysia | Intersessional Work
18/11/2023 | Indonesia | Preamble
18/11/2023 | Australia | Primary Plastic Production
18/11/2023 | Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS) | Implementation and Compliance, Periodic assessment and monitoring of the progress of implementation of the instrument* [and effectiveness evaluation], Information exchange; and Reporting on progress
19/11/2023 | Russian Federation | Definitions
19/11/2023 | Qatar | Developing Countries, Legacy Plastics and Just Transition
19/11/2023 | Qatar | Principles, Scope and Preamble
19/11/2023 | Japan | Part I and II of Zero Draft
19/11/2023 | Thailand | Waste Management
19/11/2023 | Thailand | Existing plastic pollution, including in the marine environment
19/11/2023 | Thailand | Co-facilitators Compilation: Trade in listed chemicals, polymers and products in plastic waste
19/11/2023 | Thailand | Product design, composition and performance
19/11/2023 | Thailand | Possible Mergers: Trade in listed chemicals, polymers and products in plastic waste
19/11/2023 | Brazil | Product Design, Composition and Performance
19/11/2023 | Brazil | Waste Management
19/11/2023 | European Union | Co-facilitators’ full compilation of mergers for Members’ proposals
19/11/2023 | Japan | Contact Group 1 - Co-facilitators’ full compilation of mergers for Members’ proposals
19/11/2023 | United States of America | Primary Plastic Polymers and Existing Plastic Pollution
19/11/2023 | Singapore | Proposed Decision Text
19/11/2023 | Morocco | Preamble
19/11/2023 | Thailand | Intersessional Work
19/11/2023 | Mauritius | National Plans
19/11/2023 | Pacific Small Island Developing States (PSIDS) | Possible mergers for Members proposals
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