
Region: Global

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2 results found

The IKI Independent Complaint Mechanism – what is it?

The NDC Action Project is funded by the German International Climate Initiative (IKI). The organization has created an independent and open complaint mechanism for all IKI-funded projects to which complaints can be directed to.

The mechanism is intended to enable people who suffer (potential) negative social and/or environmental consequences from IKI projects, or who wish to report the improper use of funds, to voice their complaints and seek redress. 

Categorized Under: Environment under review Global

Story Climate change

UNFCCC released the updated NDC Synthesis Report on 17th September 2021 ahead of COP26 in November. The report includes an update on all 191 Parties to the Paris Agreement from the previous report back in February 2021. 

Categorized Under: Climate change Global

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