Photo by UNEP
28 Feb 2022 Series Sustainable Development Goals

UNEP@50: Statements from Member states

Photo by UNEP

Statements from Heads of State and Government, ministers and heads of delegations at the high-level segment of UNEP@50, the Special Session of the United Nations Environment Assembly.

2022 is a historic milestone for the global environmental community and UNEP. It marks fifty years since the 1972 United Nations Conference on the Human Environment, widely seen as the first international meeting on the environment. The 1972 Stockholm Conference spurred the formation of environment ministries and agencies around the world, kickstarted a host of new global agreements to collectively protect the environment, and led to the formation of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). 

For 50 years UNEP has coordinated a worldwide effort to confront the planet’s biggest environmental challenges. This global collaboration has helped repair the ozone layerphase out leaded fuelstop some endangered species from going extinct and more. UNEP’s convening power and rigorous scientific research has provided a platform for countries to engage, act boldly and advance the global environmental agenda.


Member States

Inuit Circumpolar Council

International Science Council (ISC)

Major Groups and Stakeholders

UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights