Check against delivery
Your Excellency Paulina Hennig-Kloska, Minister of Environment of Poland,
Your Excellency Jessika Roswall, European Commissioner for Environment, Water Resilience and a Competitive Circular Economy,
My thanks to the Polish presidency for the invitation to speak with you today.
In a complex geopolitical context, the environmental leadership of the European Union and its Member States has never been more needed or more welcome. The EU has been steadfast in its support of effective multilateralism and rules-based international order, with the United Nations at its core. This was indeed the spirit of the UN Secretary-General’s participation in the European Council last week.
EU leadership is just as apparent on the triple planetary crisis – the crisis of climate change; the crisis of biodiversity and land productivity loss; and the crisis of pollution and waste. I am deeply grateful for the commitment you have shown.
European citizens and nations understand that, even amidst evolving national contexts, no country is safe from these environmental crises. The baking summer of 2022 was linked to between 60,000 and 70,000 premature deaths in Europe. In recent times, Germany, Belgium, Slovenia, Spain and others have been hit by flooding, killing hundreds of people and costing tens of billions of euros. Meanwhile, parts of the lands bordering on the Mediterranean are susceptible to much more intense droughts, as well as desertification.
But European nations also know that action on the environment is not just about heading off disaster. Such environmental action makes sound sense on every level.
Investing in renewable energy and energy efficiency, which creates jobs and energy independence. Reducing methane emissions, which is both good for climate and for the bottom line. Tackling air pollution, which is good for our health and well being. Backing nature-based solutions and a strong sustainable agriculture sector. Backing circularity so that the resource and waste burden on society is eased. Supporting developing nations to overcome environmental challenges so that land retains its productivity and the economy its vibrancy, thereby not forcing people to look for opportunities elsewhere. These measures, and more, support resilient economies. They create business opportunities and jobs. They are an investment in peace and security. They increase human health, food security, energy independence and more.
This is why the EU has backed multilateralism and environmental action as the best option to secure a healthy and resilient planet that benefits all.
I have taken note of the EU Clean Industrial Deal, which I understand should be a complement to the European Green Deal. This deal, the upcoming Water Resilience Strategy, the EU Oceans Pact, the EU Preparedness Strategy and action in other areas show that the EU is poised to take an even stronger lead on environmental multilateralism. Through firm action at EU level. And through global ambition, in cooperation with partners around the world.
Dear Ministers,
Please allow me to zoom in on some key inflections points where EU leadership can make a bigger difference in the months ahead.
One, agreeing a strong treaty to end plastic pollution.
The EU has been a strong supporter of the UNEP-sponsored Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC) talks on the instrument to end plastic pollution, which will recommence in August, in Geneva at INC-5.2.
We have strong momentum and good convergence across much of the Chair’s Text. But there are three areas which still require significant work.
The first area is additives in plastic products. We can all agree that we do not want chemicals to leak into the environment or harm people. One way this could be approached is to address the risks posed by chemicals in products. The challenge is how to define or limit chemicals, and how to account for those needed for other uses. I have gone on record previously and suggested that exposure risk might be an avenue to pursue.
The second area is sustainable production and consumption. UNEA resolution 5/14 gave us a clear path on this issue, but I recognize there are a variety of views amongst Members. However, SDG 12 on Sustainable Consumption and Production gave us a clear vision field of the possible pathway forward.
The third area is financing. This is of course key for developing countries and Small Island Developing States dealing with the plastic pollution crisis. A final treaty text can support them, and all Members, by putting in place a mechanism, enabling private sector investments, capacity building, technology transfer for implementation and catalyzing funding.
A big political and diplomatic push is urgently needed to build consensus in these areas. In this regard, you will soon be receiving invitations to attend INC-5.2. Your participation and personal engagement will be key to bring nations together, close complex negotiating items and ensure that the treaty leads to the elimination of plastic pollution, including in the marine environment.
Two, submitting and implementing strong new climate plans.
The majority of the world remains committed to the Paris Agreement. Nationally Determined Contributions, or national climate plans, are the best way to limit dangerous and costly climate impacts.
Now nations are due to submit updated and enhanced plans before COP30 in Belém. These plans must spark massive investments that slash greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 – almost 28 per cent for 2°C and over 40 per cent for 1.5°C.
Long-term, the cost of inaction far outweighs the cost of action. Countries should view these climate plans as blueprints for successful economies. I understand the strain on national budgets, but many policies that tackle climate change make sense on their own merits. Climate action is good for everyone, everywhere.
I therefore look forward to the EU’s update to its climate law to introduce 2040 targets, and the submission of its NDC. With strong targets and action, the EU can set an example to the world, and create a pressure point for other wealthy G20 nations, who have the greatest responsibility to act.
Three, strengthening the science on chemicals, waste and pollution.
An important piece of the puzzle is the Science-Policy Panel on chemicals, waste and pollution. I sometimes refer to the creation of this panel as the new “triplet”, standing next to the science-policy panels of IPCC and IPBES, thus ensuring the best science is available to meet each of the three environmental crises of our time. The resumed third session of the ad hoc open-ended working group will take place in Punta del Este, Uruguay this June, back-to-back with the Intergovernmental Meeting to consider the establishment of the panel.
It is crucial to get the panel up and running to complete the trio of science panels. This way, the climate panel (IPCC), the biodiversity and ecosystem services panel (IPBES) and a pollution panel can operate in tandem, providing the best science for nations to take informed decisions. My deep thanks to the EU for its involvement in this process.
The EU and its Member States can play, and already are playing, a strong role in the seventh session of the UN Environment Assembly (UNEA-7) in Nairobi this December.
The theme of UNEA-7 is Advancing Sustainable Solutions for a Resilient Planet. We will again be focusing on joined-up action across the triple planetary crisis, including by dedicating a day to Multilateral Environmental Agreements. I encourage all Member States to step up with strong resolutions that strengthen the environmental agenda.
At UNEA-7, nations will also approve UNEP’s Medium-term Strategy 2026-2029. As Member States have requested, the strategy will be concise and solution oriented. Be people-centric, addressing poverty and inequality, engagement and country-level impact. Prioritize land degradation, desertification, drought, water scarcity and disasters and conflict. Foster partnerships that bridge global ambitions with local realities. And place digital solutions front and centre.
As we pursue new agreements and new targets, we must also act on existing commitments, at home and abroad. Global EU leadership will continue to be instrumental in advancing environmental goals.
UNEP is ready to engage with the EU on every front. Together, we can take forward a renewed commitment to multilateralism. And fight for a healthy environment and healthy people through a long-term vision and smart investments at national, European and international level.