Credit: UNEP/Kelvin Trautman
05 Sep 2024 Statements Air quality

Messages from United Nations officials for Clean Air Day

Attributable to:  António Guterres and Inger Andersen 

For: International Day of Clean Air for blue skies (7 September 2024) 

Location:  Online

UN Secretary-General António Guterres  

Ninety-nine per cent of humanity breathes polluted air – leading to an estimated 8 million premature deaths – including more than 700,000 children under 5.   

Pollution is also choking economies and heating up our planet, adding fuel to the fire of the climate crisis. And it disproportionally affects those most vulnerable in society, including women, children and older persons.  

Yet pollution is a silent killer that can be stopped.        

UNEP Executive Director Inger Andersen  

Every person on this planet has the right to breathe clean air. Yet almost every person is having this right violated.  

Ninety-nine per cent of the world’s population breathes unsafe air, which is linked to over eight million deaths each year. This also brings huge economic losses, drives climate change, worsens inequality and damages childhood development.   

This is why, on International Day of Clean Air for blue skies, the UN is calling on the world to invest in #CleanAirNow.  

We are asking nations, regions and cities to establish robust air quality standards. Back renewable energy and sustainable transport. Hold industry to account with strict emission standards. Integrate air quality into climate action. 

We are asking for strong funding: through redirecting fossil fuel subsidies, through grants or microloans for cleaner cooking technologies, and through serious private sector engagement and investment. 

We are asking for collective action: from international development initiatives to individuals that can make small changes in their own lifestyles. 

Clean air is a human right, one that is fundamental to our health and prosperity. 

On International Day of Clean Air for blue skies, I urge everyone to ensure this right is fulfilled.