30 Jan 2019 Story Climate Action

Five reasons to apply to be a Young Champion of the Earth 2019

Are you a change-maker, ground-breaker, innovator? Do you see opportunity, where others see crisis? Do you dare to invent the future?

If you’re looking for a challenge in 2019 and have an environmental idea or project that you’d like to take to the next level, then look no further.

The Young Champions of the Earth prize celebrates and supports individuals aged between 18 and 30 with outstanding potential to create a positive environmental impact.

As global warming forces our societies, our economies and our world to change, we’re looking for brave entrepreneurs to pave the way for a brighter future. A global jury will select seven winners from around the world and support their projects with funding and mentoring.

Here are five reasons we think you should apply. Applications for the Young Champions of the Earth prize is open now!

  1. Get your vision on the map

    Do you have a big idea to protect the environment? If you’re ready to lead a new wave of change in our societies and economies, and change the way we do business for a more sustainable future; if you want to disrupt the status quo with a brilliant new idea, then we’re calling you to apply. Your idea will be seen by millions of people around the world. We will give you and your idea a voice and we’ll assist in amplifying that voice, both online and in person. You will inspire other young people everywhere to lead the movement for a healthier planet.
  2. Meet the right people

    Innovative ideas never happen in a vacuum. They are the result of brainstorming with brilliant individuals. Perhaps you already have a great project idea but you want to connect with an expert in your field to help you shape it? We can help. If your project is focused on an element of environmental protection, we’ll connect you with the right industry or technical experts who can help you on your journey.
  3. Connect with a global network

    Today’s business landscape is global. We’ll make sure you’re well-networked at a variety of high-level events. Even if you can’t meet in person, technology can help us put you in touch with peers, mentors and experts around the world. No matter where you live, you can apply. We embrace diversity, we insist on it—this is after all, a global search.
  4. Make an impact in 2019

    All good ideas need money or time to implement. Is 2019 your year? Our seed support of US$15,000 could be the financial kickstart you need to really get your project off the ground. Although at least 6 months of prior work on your project is required to apply, your work does not need to be fully-fledged. Winning this competition could be the boost you need to start bringing your idea to life, to make an impact this year.
  5. Meet your peers

    One of the most challenging aspects of becoming an entrepreneur is that, often, you have to drive things alone. You may have a business partner, but you are unlikely to have colleagues and a large team at the very start to support you when the going gets tough. We know the value of building peer-to-peer partnerships and support. We work with partners like the Do School and CoalitionWILD to facilitate this process. You will build a global network of other Young Champions in different regions—like-minded individuals, who know what you’re doing, understand where you are in your process of starting up and can help you along the way.


We encourage everyone who wants to make a difference for our planet to see if they have what it takes to be a Young Champion of the Earth. Apply today! The Young Champions of the Earth Prize is powered by Covestro.