24 Sep 2019 Video Climate Action

Champions of the Earth 2019 for Entrepreneurial Vision

The 2019 Champion of the Earth Award for Entrepreneurial Vision goes to Patagonia.

Since 1973, Patagonia has placed sustainability at the heart of its business. Many of its products are made from recycled plastic bottles, hemp or organic cotton, while employees earn clothing credits for carpooling to work.

Last year, the company said it would give US$10 million to grassroots groups fighting climate change. It is also working with around 100 small farmers who grow cotton using regenerative practices in India, with the scheme due to be expanded to 450 farmers next year. The farmers control pests with traps and gather the cotton by hand.

Founder Yvon Chouinard says, “Patagonia is in business to save our home planet.”

For more information, go to: https://www.unenvironment.org/championsofearth/