The illuminate rainbow on the bubble surface

Overview of the Global Framework on Chemicals Fund

The Global Framework on Chemicals Fund supports countries in implementing this international agreement that guides countries and stakeholders in jointly addressing the lifecycle of chemicals, including products and waste.  The Fund was established during the fifth International Conference on Chemicals Management (ICCM5) in September 2023 and is open to receive voluntary contributions for five years.   

The objective of the Fund is to support implementation activities in developing countries, least developed countries, Small Island Developing States and countries with economies in transition. This will be achieved by financing projects and programmes that will support transformative change to prevent, or where prevention is not feasible, minimize harm from chemicals and waste to protect the environment and human health, including vulnerable groups and workers. All funded activities will have a clear, defined, and measurable impact. 

The Fund provides financial support of 300,000 to 800,000 USD for an implementation period of up to three years. Governments from developing countries, Small Island Developing States, and countries with economies in transition can apply for funding, as can civil society networks, subject to an agreement with the respective government. The Fund also encourages regional or multi-country applications. 

The Fund seeks to complement existing financial mechanisms, such as the Special Programme, the Specific International Programme and the Global Environment Facility and funds that support biodiversity and climate action, amongst others to build on national projects or activities and generate sustainable project outputs nationally, regionally and globally. The purpose is to achieve substantial and visible impacts that promote the safe and sustainable management of chemicals and waste with measurable results. 


Strategic priorities for the Fund 

Strategically, the fund will finance and prioritise proposals that:  

  1. Strengthen national and regional capacities for the implementation of the Global Framework on Chemicals by promoting the development, implementation and enforcement of enhanced national policies, strategies and regulatory frameworks that significantly improve the capacities for managing chemicals and waste at the national level.  
  1. Implement programmes that promote the safe and sustainable management of chemicals and waste in economic and industrial sectors along value chains.  
  1. Promote policies that enable countries to unlock and secure funding for managing chemicals and waste, for example, fiscal policies and/or fee-based mechanisms, to ensure the sustainability of the institutions and systems established. This may include approaches that leverage private finance and promote innovative and blended finance schemes.  
  1. Integrate sound chemicals and waste management in sustainable development decision-making processes, supporting approaches that enhance cooperation and coordination among those responsible for implementing international instruments or programmes, including those that do not primarily focus on chemicals and waste management but where chemicals and waste management may be essential to achieve beneficial health and environmental outcomes.  
  1. Address issues of concern as well as cross-cutting themes.