
Network: Central and South America

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28 results found

Virtual meeting, OzonAction event
ECA poster
The objective of the meeting is to discuss restrictions on import and use of refrigeration, air-conditioning and heat pump (RACHP) equipment with high GWP and / or poor efficiency, and related enforcement mechanisms. Based on the discussion, ECA might consider related legislative and policy measures to enhance the HFC phase-down and energy-efficiency.
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic OzonAction event
Blue sky
The meeting will focus on the Licensing and Quota Systems (for HFCs and HCFCs) and explore common approaches towards the ODS inventories of banks of unwanted controlled substances.

Categorized Under: Central and South America Dominican Republic

Santiago, Chile OzonAction event
Atmosphere of Planet Earth
The Twinning Workshop for Montreal Protocol Officers, Energy-Efficiency Policy Makers, and Financial Mechanism Focal Points will use the well-established infrastructure of the regional network meetings to further engage one national energy efficiency policymaker and one focal point for a relevant financial mechanism per country to participate and follow up on the concept of “twinning” with the Montreal Protocol Officer from the same country to further advance energy-efficiency considerations

Categorized Under: Energy efficiency Central and South America Chile

Santiago, Chile OzonAction event
Atmosphere of Planet Earth
Through the Network Metting, UNEP will assist countries with achieving their HCFC phase-out and HFC phase-down targets, sustain those already met, and promote intraregional exchange to support the dual implementation of HPMPs and KIPs.

Categorized Under: Central and South America Chile

World Ozone Day Chemicals & waste
2023 World Ozone Day (WOD)  - Theme: MONTREAL PROTOCOL: fixing the ozone layer and reducing climate change
Panama City, Panama OzonAction event
Atmosphere of planet earth
This meeting is organised by UNEP OzonAction Office of Latin America and the Caribbean. It is part of the Regional Network service that OzonAction's Compliance Assistance Programme (CAP) provides to Article 5 (developing) countries as part of its role as an Implementing Agency of the Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol.

Categorized Under: CaribbeanCentral and South America Panama

Showing 1 - 10 of 28