
Network: Pacific Island Countries

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54 results found

Koror, the Republic of Palau, 12 – 14 June 2024 – UNEP’s OzonAction Asia-Pacific Compliance Assistance Programme (CAP) team organized the Thematic Workshop on Finalization of Stage I of the Regional Pacific Island Countries (PICs) Kigali Hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) Implementation Plan and Other Multilateral Fund Projects.
8339_1_Joint Network Meeting_Group photo
Koror, the Republic of Palau, 7 – 11 June 2024 – UNEP’s OzonAction Asia-Pacific Compliance Assistance Programme (CAP) team organized the Training of New National Ozone Officers/National Ozone Unit Staff and the Network Meeting of the National Ozone Officers of the Pacific Island Countries (PIC) Network. Training of New National Ozone Officers (NOOs)/National Ozone Unit (NOU) Staff
Rarotonga, Cook Islands, 22 February 2024 – UNEP’s OzonAction Asia-Pacific Compliance Assistance Programme (CAP) team organized the Thematic Meeting on Establishment and Implementation of Competency-Based Certification, back-to-back with the Thematic Workshop on Strategy of Stage I of the Kigali HFC Implementation Plan (KIP) and Integration with the HCFC Phase-out Management Plan (HPMP) Stage II among the Pacific Island Countries (PICs).  Both meetings were held in Rarotonga, Cook Islands from 7-10 February 2024.
Rarotonga, Cook Islands, 12 February 2024 – UNEP’s OzonAction Asia-Pacific Compliance Assistance Programme (CAP) team organized the Twinning Workshop for the Pacific Island Countries (PIC) Montreal Protocol Officers, Energy-Efficiency Policy Makers, and Financial Mechanisms Focal Points to Support Kigali Amendment Objectives.
Melbourne, Australia 11 – 15 December 2023 ‒ United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) OzonAction Asia Pacific Compliance Assistance Programme (CAP) team in collaboration with the Government of Australia and the Air-Conditioning & Refrigeration Equipment Manufacturers Association of Australia (AREMA) jointly organized the Second Training-the-Trainers Workshop on Good Servicing Practices (GSP) in Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning (RAC) Sector.
Shipment of containers
Virtual Meeting, 13 – 14 December 2023 ‒ United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) OzonAction Asia Pacific Compliance Assistance Programme (CAP) team in collaboration with the Oceania Customs Organisation (OCO) developed guidelines for enforcing licensing systems for controlled substances, trained customs officials on using a coordinated approach to control trade and strengthened the enforcement of national regulations for the Pacific Island Countries (PICs).
3rd Solomon Islands Scurllet Pentani_modified
UNEP OzonAction is pleased to exhibit on a weekly basis the 36 winning pieces of art from the 2022 “Asia Pacific Regional Ozone2Climate Art Contest”.  The 3rd place winners in the Youth Photography category are displayed below. 
 Youth Photography 1st Malaysia Chan Chenmy_modified.jpg
UNEP OzonAction is pleased to exhibit on a weekly basis the 36 winning pieces of art from the 2022 “Asia Pacific Regional Ozone2Climate Art Contest”.  The 1st and 2nd place winners in the Youth Photography category are displayed below. 
Winner Youth Graphic Design 3rd Viet Nam Ngô Huỳnh Bảo Ngọc
UNEP OzonAction is pleased to exhibit on a weekly basis the 36 winning pieces of art from the 2022 “Asia Pacific Regional Ozone2Climate Art Contest”.  The 3rd place winners in the Youth Graphic Design category are displayed below. 
8296_PIC Group photo
Apia, Samoa, 4–9 September 2023 ‒ UN Environment Programme (UNEP) OzonAction Asia Pacific Compliance Assistance Programme (CAP) team organized 1) a Network Meeting of Pacific Island Countries (PIC) National Ozone Officers (NOOs), 2) the Thematic Workshop on Nation-wide Data Collection under the Kigali Hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) Implementation Plan (KIP) preparation, and 3) the Twinning National Ozone Officers - Customs Workshop on ODS/HFC Trade Control and Reporting.
Adult  Graphic Design  3rd Thailand  Sutat Palama
UNEP OzonAction is pleased to exhibit on a weekly basis the 36 winning pieces of art from the 2022 “Asia Pacific Regional Ozone2Climate Art Contest”.  The 3rd place winners in the Youth Drawing category are displayed below. 
Winnders-1st_2nd_youth category
UNEP OzonAction is pleased to exhibit on a weekly basis the 36 winning pieces of art from the 2022 “Asia Pacific Regional Ozone2Climate Art Contest”.  The 1st and 2nd place winners in the Youth Drawing category are displayed below. 
News Climate change
 Adult Photography 3rd Indonesia Rezky Heryudhanto_1
UNEP OzonAction is pleased to exhibit on a weekly basis the 36 winning pieces of art from the 2022 “Asia Pacific Regional Ozone2Climate Art Contest”.  The 3rd place winners in the Adult Photography category are displayed below. 

Categorized Under: Climate change Pacific Island CountriesSouth AsiaSouth East Asia

Winner Adult Photography 1st Malaysia Hooi Ka Yi_hero image
UNEP OzonAction is pleased to exhibit on a weekly basis the 36 winning pieces of art from the 2022 “Asia Pacific Regional Ozone2Climate Art Contest”.  The 1st and 2nd place winners in the Adult Photography category are displayed below. 
Paris, France, 26 June 2023 ‒ UNEP OzonAction joined with the World Refrigeration Day Secretariat and industry associations worldwide to celebrate World Refrigeration Day, 26 June. The focus of the 2023 campaign is “Next Generation Cooling” (NextGenCooling), both in the sense of technology and the people who design, manufacture install, and operate it.
Adult graphic_3rd place_Vietnam
UNEP OzonAction is pleased to exhibit on a weekly basis the 36 winning pieces of art from the 2022 “Asia Pacific Regional Ozone2Climate Art Contest”.  The 3rd place winners in the Adult graphic design category are depicted below. 
News Chemicals & waste
Port Vila, Vanuatu, 15 May 2023 ‒ UNEP’s OzonAction Asia-Pacific Compliance Assistance Programme (CAP) team in collaboration with the Government of Vanuatu organized a Network Meeting of the Pacific Island Countries (PIC) National Ozone Officers (NOOs) in Port Vila, Vanuatu (8-9 and 12 May 2023) to facilitate the Network countries to share experiences/good practices in var

Categorized Under: Chemicals & waste Refrigeration and air conditioning Pacific Island Countries

2nd_winner Adult Graphic_design_YL_China_hero_image
UNEP OzonAction is pleased to exhibit on a weekly basis the 36 winning pieces of art from the 2022 “Asia Pacific Regional Ozone2Climate Art Contest”.  The 1st and 2nd place winners in the Adult graphic design category are depicted below. 
Hero_image_Hannah Low
UNEP OzonAction is pleased to exhibit on a weekly basis the 36 winning pieces of art from the 2022 “Asia Pacific Regional Ozone2Climate Art Contest”.  The 3rd place winners in the Adult drawing category are depicted below. 
27 January 2023, Virtual ‒ National Ozone Officers (NOOs) of South Asia (SA), Southeast Asia (SEA) and Pacific Island Countries (PICs) Networks jointly discussed the 2023 Communications and Public Outreach Strategy through the two virtual consultation meetings on 18 and 26 January 2023. A total of 63 participants (39 females and 24 males) engaged in the virtual meetings.
Women in RAC_Vanuatu
The following stories from Vanuatu are an extract from the booklet 'Women in the Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Industry."  
Planet Earth Space Global View
Coral Coast, Fiji, 3 November 2022 – National Ozone Officers from the Pacific Island Countries (PICs) met in Fiji for their Network Meeting from 10-12 October 2022 to prepare countries to meet the hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) freeze from 1 January 2024, while sustaining hydrochlorofluorocarbon (HCFC) phase-out.  Back-to-back with this meeting was the training workshop of new National Ozone Unit (NOU) staff held from 13 - 14 October 2022. The purpose of this workshop was to strengthen the capacity of NOU staff to implement the Montreal Protocol.
Asia Pacific Regional Ozone2Climate Art Contest Hall of Fame
16 September 2022, BANGKOK ‒ On the occasion of World Ozone Day (16 September), which commemorates the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, UNEP and its partners are pleased to announce that 36 artists have won the “Asia Pacific Regional Ozone2Climate Art Contest.”  This competition, which took place over a one-year period, is designed to increase public awareness about the importance of the treaty for protecting human health and nature and to generate further support for the Protocol’s compli
1 August 2022, Chongqing, China ‒ The 11th Ozone2Climate (O2C) Technology Roadshow and Industry Roundtable was jointly organized by the Foreign Environmental Cooperation Center, Ministry of Ecology and Environment, China(FECO/MEE) and the China Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Industry Association (CRAA), the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), as part of the 33rd International Exhibition for Refrigeration, Air Conditioning, Heating and Ventilation, Frozen Food Processing, Packaging and Storage (CRH 2022), one
Sculpture_Prof Yuan
The Asia Pacific Regional Ozone2Climate Art Contest (O2C Art Contest), launched on the World Ozone Day, 16 September 2021 by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Asia and the Pacific Office, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), and the National Ozone Units (NOUs) in Asia Pacific in partnership with Mahidol University, aims to engage the general public, particularly youth to call actions and raise awareness for the protection of ozone layer and mitigation of climate change through a visualization of artwork in three categories- 🎨 drawing, 

Showing 1 - 25 of 54