Empowering customs and enforcement Illegal international trade in “environmentally-sensitive” commodities such as ozone depleting chemicals is an international problem that threatens our common environment, results in revenue loss for governments, and strengthens criminal organizations. Such illegal trade also undermines the effectiveness of international environmental treaties that have trade components, such as the Montreal Protocol. Customs and enforcement play a critical role in each country’s compliance and enforcement chain. Their vigilance and active participation in monitoring ODS trade and combating their illegal and unwanted trade ensure that the rest of the chain stays effective.

- Joining forces with Customs and Enforcement Officers for Safeguarding the Montreal Protocol
- Watch out for Illegal Trade of HCFCs and HFCs: Lessons learnt from the Global Montreal Protocol Award for Customs and Enforcement Officers
- Green Customs Guide to Multilateral Environmental Agreements
- Informal Prior Informed Consent (iPIC) mechanism
- New iPIC platform factsheet
- Checklist on Auctioning of Seized Refrigerants - How to Get it Right - ECA Network
- Checklist for Environmental Inspectors (Based on Serbia's Checklist November 2019) - ECA Network
- Customs Quick Tool for Screening ODS
- Risk Assessment on Illegal Trade in HCFCs
- Training Manual for Customs and Enforcement Officers
- Minimising Quarantine and Pre-shipment (QPS) Uses of Methyl Bromide
- Oceania Customs Organisation and UNEP Boost Enforcement of Controlled Substances in Pacific Islands Countries, 13-15 December 2023
- Record number of Montreal Protocol-related seizures under WCO’s Global Customs Operation DEMETER IX, 4 December 2023
- 10 SADC Nations Collaborate through Border Dialogue to Protect the Ozone Layer, Windhoek, Namibia, 6-8 September 2023
- Pacific Islands Ozone Officers and Customs Authorities cooperate to strengthen enforcement of ODS/HFC licensing system, Apia, Samoa, 4-9 September 2023
- South Asia Ozone Officers and Customs Authorities team up to strengthen enforcement of ODS/HFC licensing system, Mahé, Maldives, 24-25 May 2023
- Southeast Asia Ozone Officers and Customs Authorities join forces to strengthen enforcement of ODS/HFC licensing system, Halong, Viet Nam, 16-17 March 2023
- Green Customs Initiative Partners advance on customs activities under MEAs, 24-25 January 2023
- International Customs Operation DEMETER VIII Produces Significant HFC and HCFC Seizures, Paris, France, 14 December 2022