The success of the Montreal Protocol is reliant on Parties reporting data accurately and on time. National data on ozone depleting substances (ODS) is essential for monitoring the effectiveness of the Montreal Protocol system. The data is used for assessing each country’s compliance with the ODS phase-out schedules agreed under the Protocol, and for tracking overall progress in phasing-out ODS. The annual data provides important information on national efforts and global efforts to protect the ozone layer, including on new problems or issues at the national level or global level such as providing a basis for further policy development, for identifying appropriate activities and priorities at national level helping to identify illegal trade in ODS. There are two principal data requirements under the Montreal Protocol. The two reporting mechanisms ask for different types of information overall. However, the quantitative data on ODS imports, exports and production is normally the same in both.
ODS data reporting to the Ozone Secretariat
Article 7 of the Montreal Protocol requires all Parties (both Article 5 and non-Article 5) to provide statistical data about ODS to the Ozone Secretariat every year. The Ozone Secretariat uses the data to calculate each Party’s official ODS consumption and production figures. In addition, several Meeting of the Parties (MOP) Decisions require Parties to submit other information which is incorporated in the official data reporting form.
Country Programme data to the Multilateral Fund Secretariat
Each Article 5 country that has a Country Programme supported by the Multilateral Fund (MLF) must provide information annually to the Fund Secretariat on progress in the implementation of its Programme. The Fund Secretariat uses the data submitted by Parties to track the progress in ODS phase-out and to identify areas where further support may be needed.