Charly Alberti

Musician, Goodwill Ambassador – Latin America and the Caribbean


Charly Alberti is an Argentinian rock musician and environmentalist who rose to stardom in the 1980s as the drummer of the best-selling Argentinian band, Soda Stereo. His foundation Revolución 21 (R21) addresses environmental issues in Argentina and the Latin American region, while Soda Stereo has taken actions including planting 4,700 native trees to offset the carbon footprint of their 2020 "Gracias Totales"  – marking one of the first Latin American tours to do so. Charly Alberti’s environmental contributions have seen him recognized by the National Parks Administration of Argentina as an honorary park ranger, by the US state of California’s Senate for his efforts to combat climate change and promote sustainability, and by the UN, having previously served as a UN Development Programme Goodwill Ambassador at the national level.

Charly Alberti