Daniel began his career as a journalist with The Associated Press in Indonesia. His last post with the agency was as its award-winning chief correspondent in Afghanistan, responsible for its coverage of the war there.
He has been a communication adviser to the Afghan government, countering the propaganda of the Taliban. He worked for the Asian Development Bank, where he began focusing on how communication and advocacy could strengthen climate change projects and impact policy.
Prior to UNEP, he was with the Center for International Forestry Research, where he developed and led a multi-million-dollar programme that used communication to bridge the gap between research, policy and practice. An independent evaluation concluded the programme had been “driving a global conversation on forests and climate change."
Daniel joined UNEP in 2015 as Deputy Director of the Communication Division before becoming Director.
He has a Masters in Public Policy from the University of California, Berkeley, fully supported by a Rotary International World Peace Fellowship, and has done leadership training at Harvard Business School.
Staff Position Level: D1
Region: Western European; Others