Tim Kasten

Former Director, Policy and Programme Division


Tim Kasten is Director of the Policy and Programme Division in Nairobi. Tim has 30+ years of experience in development and environment, spanning from the grass-roots, to national, regional, and global levels. Before joining UNEP, Tim spent 12 years at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, working on national and international water pollution and hazardous materials programmes. Since 1998, he has served UNEP in Kingston, Nairobi, Geneva and Paris through four different divisions. His experience with UNEP covers work in ecosystems; climate change; chemicals and waste; and resource efficiency. He also served as Executive Secretary for the negotiation and adoption of the Minamata Convention on Mercury and for the Protocol to the Cartagena Convention on Land-based Sources of Marine Pollution. He is a biologist with graduate work in environmental resource management and public administration. Originally from Michigan, USA, now happily back for a second tour in Nairobi!

Staff Position Level: D2

Region: Western European & Others

Tim Kasten

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