• About
  • Members
  • Context
  • Resources

With a citizenry increasingly aware of the importance of sustainability, the creation of spaces dedicated to promoting responsible consumption and production practices becomes fundamental. The Regional Council of Government Experts on Sustainable Consumption and Production, established in 2003, emerged as a key initiative in Latin America and the Caribbean. Composed of specialized representatives from countries in the region, the Regional Council not only drives the implementation of effective policies and comprehensive strategies but also offers crucial recommendations to the Forum of Ministers of Environment of the region. In doing so, it plays an essential role in the transition towards more sustainable consumption and production patterns, aligning with the 10-Year Framework of Programmes on Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns (10YFP).


The Regional Council of Government Experts on Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP Council) was established in 2003, and its first meeting was held in Buenos Aires, Argentina, that same year.

The general objectives of the Regional Council are:

i) identify and propose effective and efficient mechanisms for the implementation of the Regional SCP Strategy and the policies, strategies, and comprehensive programs that promote and facilitate the adoption of sustainable patterns of consumption and production in our societies;

ii) contribute to the implementation of the 10-Year Framework Programme Sustainable Consumption and Production (the 10YFP) and;

iii) make recommendations for approval of the Forum of Ministers of Environment of Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) and for the 10YFP Board.

The Regional Council of Experts comprises National Focal Points nominated by their governments, specialized in Sustainable Consumption and Production areas.

The Regional Council of Government Experts on Sustainable Consumption and Production will be composed of the National Focal Points on Sustainable Consumption and Production nominated by their governments. It will have a Steering Committee composed of 2 members from each of the sub-regions of Latin America and the Carribbean (Mesoamerica, Caribbean, Andean Community and the Southern Cone). The two regional representatives to the "10YFP Board” will be integrated as one of the representatives of their respective sub-region.

The members of the Steering Committee will serve for a period of two years, in a rotating basis within each sub-region, and will not be able to serve two consecutive periods.

The Regional Council shall meet every two years and conduct regular conference calls. The steering committee will meet once a year -subject to availability of funds- and shall prepare at its first meeting of the Council operating regulations establishing procedures for consulting the focal points.

The operating rules of the Council will be the same as the Forum of Ministers of Environment, which applies mutatis mutandis.

The Ministers of Environment of Latin America and the Caribbean, during the XXIII meeting of the Forum, held from 24 - 26 October, 2023, in Panama City, ratified the Members of the Steering Committee for the period 2023-2025 as follows:

  • Caribbean Subregion: Barbados and Trinidad and Tobago
  • Mesoamerican Subregion: Costa Rica
  • Andean Subregion: Colombia and Peru
  • Southern Cone Subregion: Brazil and Argentina


Similarly, the SCP Council evaluates the challenges, obstacles, and opportunities that the region faces in terms of SCP and presents the findings and recommendations for consideration to the Forum and to the 10YFP Board.

Regional Strategy on Sustainable Consumption and Production 2024-2030

You can consult the 2024 - 2023 Strategy here

This new Strategy emerges as a collaborative initiative, conceived to continue the work that has been carried out in the region on sustainable consumption and production. It is established as a comprehensive and collaborative response, charting a more articulated path towards sustainability from regional and subregional contexts, emphasizing cohesion and shared commitment to achieving sustainable goals. It is based on Decision 2, on Sustainable Consumption and Production and Circular Economy, adopted at the XXIII Meeting of the Forum. It is also supported by the four pillars of collective action of the Global Strategy for Sustainable Consumption and Production 2023-2030, focusing on the critical need to modify current consumption and production patterns for more sustainable ones.

The four fundamental pillars on which it is based are:

  • Promoting sustainability, highlighting the interconnection between consumption and production systems with other regional processes to achieve sustainable development.
  • Triggering changes through circularity, highlighting the importance of operational tools, the circular economy, the life cycle perspective, and digital transformation.
  • Empowering countries and stakeholders to incorporate and apply sustainable consumption and production patterns, in collaboration with the United Nations development system.
  • Fostering a regional/global movement and commitments for action, encouraging cooperation, and implementing sustainable practices.

It also identifies essential enabling programmes, such as Sustainable Lifestyles and Education, Sustainable Public Procurement, and Consumer Information. These programmes are especially aimed at key sectors, including Sustainable Food Systems, Sustainable Construction and Built Environment, and Sustainable Tourism. Likewise, special attention is given to high-impact sectors such as Electronics and Critical Minerals, Mobility, Transportation, and Plastics, underlining the urgency and importance of addressing these areas to achieve a sustainable and systemic transformation in the region.

Regional Strategy on Sustainable Consumption and Production 2015-2022

This Strategy focused on nine priority areas: National Sustainable Consumption and Production Policies, Sustainable Public Procurement, Sustainable Lifestyles and Education, Consumer Information, Sustainable Tourism, Sustainable Construction and Buildings, Sustainable Food Systems, SMEs, and Waste Management. For its implementation, the creation of synergies between the areas, the strengthening of the SCP Council, support to the National Focal Points, capacity development, mobilization of financial resources, and communication were highlighted.

Forum of Ministers of Environment of Latin America and the Caribbean

The Forum, established in 1982, is the oldest and most important space for political dialogue and collaboration on environmental matters in the region. UNEP, through its Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean, acts as Secretariat and supports the activities of all Working Groups, the Bureau, and the Official High-Level meetings. Meetings are generally held before the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA) to discuss the priorities and prepare the positions and contributions of the region.

During the XXIII meeting of the Forum, in 2023, six decisions were approved, including Decision 2 "Sustainable Consumption and Production and Circular Economy: Transforming the finance, the customs, and economy-wide drivers of Unsustainable Consumption and Production". This decision highlights the importance of promoting more responsible consumption and production patterns in the region, emphasizing the need to accelerate policies and actions to address unsustainable patterns that impact the environment and the well-being of the population, with special emphasis on collaboration between governments, financial institutions, and regulators to support sustainable investments and promote initiatives aligned with sustainability in the region.

Among the mandates of Decision 2 to be highlighted are:

  1. Transition towards sustainable consumption and production models:
    • It seeks to transform the finances, customs, and economic engines of unsustainable consumption and production, and
    • It urges applying regional policies, initiatives, and strategies to address unsustainable consumption and production models.
  2. Strengthening the 10YFP:
    • It encourages strengthening the current work of the 10-Year Framework based on lessons learned, experience, and existing tools and
    • It prioritizes an approach that offers more emphasis and support to regional, subregional, and national priorities and initiatives.
  3. Promoting circular economy:
    • It recognizes the importance of the circular economy as a tool for Sustainable Consumption and Production.
    • It ratifies the key role of the Regional Coalition for Circular Economy for Latin America and the Caribbean and
    • It establishes areas of work for the Coalition, including capacity development, research, innovation, and promotion of the circular economy.
  4. Financing for sustainability:
    • It recognizes the need for financing for the transition towards sustainable consumption and production models and
    • It calls on governments, financial regulators and supervisors, central banks, the private sector, and financial institutions to work together to incentivize and facilitate investments in sustainability.

Crosscutting topics:

    • It highlights the importance of youth participation in promoting sustainable consumption and production practices and
    • It recognizes the need to advance gender equality at all levels of action related to sustainable consumption and production.


To access the Decisions of the XXIII Meeting of the Forum, and other documents of interest, see: Decisions of the XXIII Meeting of the Forum.


About the 10YFP

The 10YFP represents a global initiative to strengthen international cooperation and accelerate the transition towards sustainable consumption and production patterns worldwide, encompassing both developed and developing countries. This Framework promotes capacity development, facilitating access to technical and financial assistance, with special emphasis on developing countries, while developed countries lead these efforts.

The 10YFP was born at the UN Conference on Sustainable Development Rio+20 in 2012, where heads of state converged around the idea that fundamental changes in current consumption and production patterns are essential to achieve long-term sustainable development.

To learn more about this initiative: 10-Year Framework of Programmes on Sustainable Consumption and Production (10YFP).

To learn more about Sustainable Consumption and Production: SDG 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.

To learn more about the Global Strategy on Sustainable Consumption and Production: 

To learn more about Sustainable Consumption and Production: SDG 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.

To learn more about the Global Strategy on Sustainable Consumption and Production: Regional Strategy on Sustainable Consumption and Production 2024-2030

To learn more about the Forum of Ministers of Environment of Latin America and the Caribbean: Forum of Ministers of Environment of Latin America and the Caribbean.

To learn more about the XXIII Meeting of the Forum of Ministers of Latin America and the Caribbean: XXIII Meeting of the Forum of Ministers of Latin America and the Caribbean.

To learn more about the Decisions of the XXIII Meeting of the Forum, including the Decision 2 on Sustainable Consumption and Production and Circular Economy: Decisions of the XXIII Meeting of the Forum.

To learn more about the Resolutions, Decisions, and the Ministerial Declaration from UNEA-6: Outcomes of UNEA-6.

To learn more about the Circularity Gap Report in Latin America and the Caribbean: Circularity Gap Report LAC.

To learn more about the Global Resources Outlook 2024: Global Resources Outlook 2024.

To learn more about Publications, Reports, and other Data from the UNEP: Publications & Data UNEP.

To learn more about the Forum of Ministers of Environment of Latin America and the Caribbean: Forum of Ministers of Environment of Latin America and the Caribbean.

To learn more about the XXIII Meeting of the Forum of Ministers of Latin America and the Caribbean: XXIII Meeting of the Forum of Ministers of Latin America and the Caribbean.

To learn more about the Decisions of the XXIII Meeting of the Forum, including the Decision 2 on Sustainable Consumption and Production and Circular Economy: Decisions of the XXIII Meeting of the Forum.

To learn more about the Resolutions, Decisions, and the Ministerial Declaration from UNEA-6: Outcomes of UNEA-6.

To learn more about the Circularity Gap Report in Latin America and the Caribbean: Circularity Gap Report LAC.

To learn more about the Global Resources Outlook 2024: Global Resources Outlook 2024.

To learn more about Publications, Reports, and other Data from the UNEP: Publications & Data UNEP.